Alright, I thought it was time to make a thread on this. Take your time to read through this thread, thanks. Comment below on what points do you think are valid, by the way, this isn't a 'support' or 'no support' thread. Pets have been plaguing infection since it was introduced back again. Removing slimes/magma cubes did help for a moment, but it was pretty much useless when you can stack pets with /pet ride. Every single round, there would be one idiot who is hiding in a stacked pet, rofling through the pet. So what if there are new maps, with fun parkours, challenges, when pets are ruining it all? As a zombie, you can't hit through a pet made by a human or even push away the pet. P6 and P7s are quite useless(like every zombie is) against 'Pet hiders', arrows shot by P7s bounce of the pet, and eggs thrown only lower the health of the 'Pet hider', but still it's useless as zombies can't hit through. Most of you would say, 'just keep hitting them when they're inside', but, it's not true. The reason why you can hit them is because they're probably moving inside the pet- stationary 'Pet hiders' are immune to damage, unless of course you use kill aura. Also, pet slimes/magma cubes are still able to be spawned into the gamemode, Spoiler Sorry, will be hiding this in case any of you get ideas. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here. Pets are the bane of zombies on infection. I believe they ALL should be removed, ASAP. Another problem infection is facing is the 'Prestige 8, Prestige 9 and Prestige 10' glitches. This problem has been here for like, a year?? Why the hell isn't it fixed? Block glitching is also a problem in infection. Players can have two opinions on this: 1. As a human, 'able to go to unreachable(most of the time) places of the map and camp there until the round ends' or 2. As a zombie, 'where it's frustrating as heck when you get shot every time you try to break the block'. List of maps which are still facing this problem: Hijacked. The stone slabs, and a small area where humans can be boosted up. I'm not sure if they are any more, would appreciate if some of the active infection players state them. This point is more of a suggestion: Display announcement on the rules. I've noticed a lot of the P6 and P7 do not have a clue on what 'Prestige spamming' is and I think by adding announcements on that rule more would be aware. Announcements on Prison look like this: Maybe add this for infection as well, in the form of the Infection gamemode rules. That leads me to the next point, the 'Spamming of prestige perks'. There should be a command(if there's such thing) that enables you to see which are the players with prestiges, and their prestiges, who are online. This is similar to KingAlex's suggestion. Well, I'm done. If there are any more problems, maybe state them below. Although Cyp has improved infection by changing the location of some spawns and adding new maps, I still think these(points above) are the main problems of infection. Thanks.
Yep. I couldn't care less about infection because my rank got reset but these problems are the bane (ScoFu) of Infection's existence. Support.
*sigh* Well, only the admins can fix the problem @The Real Xtreme , so it really is no use telling the Mods unless Cyp comes down to fix it. I made this thread so people can see Infection's 'problems'.
I made a thread about pet hiding a while ago, I can bump it if you want. Agreed though, this is a huge issue. Regarding the prestige issue, it's existed since the infection plugin was made actually, I believe the original writer didn't ever finish it and no one's going to pick up where he left off. Perhaps soon it would be possible to have someone finish writing it to accommodate prestige 8-10. Also for the prestige listing suggestion maybe a modifier to /list in the gamemode, showing players by donor ranks (something that's always been missing anyway) and by prestige, not unlike prison.
I support this, although with the pets, I think pets shouldnt be stacked, instead of getting rid of them completly
And I wonder why I quit infection. Explains it all ^^^ @SSMH. Once it gets fixed, I might play more often if I'm not addicted to survival anymore.
I agree with all of these problems however if we just be patient enough they will all be fixed. If everyone could just calm down and enjoy the game the way it is they could actually have fun regardless of the issues, not including Pet-hiding.
This plugin is very complicated. Just be a little more patient as (I'm sure) Noob and Cypriot are working on some other things.