Hello everyone, In this report I'm going to be complaining about the ability to have strip clubs/Clubs On mineverse, creative. My sister is a 10 year old, And already knows about "Sex" In a very young age because Of the creative server. So here are some examples of what i mean: So as you can see on the first picture, Its a picture of "Sex rooms". The second picture has a bar with all different types of alcohol. The third picture shows that there is a "Public stripping pole room" The fourth picture has a "Private stripping pole room" People playing on mineverse are around all ages. I think that it is a bit immature, and inappropriate for little kids to go and experience these things, because of course it is a VERY bad influence for them to learn about this stuff in a young age. I think that mineverse should from now on ban people for doing/building this stuff on their plot. I think that this would make it more appropriate for little kids to play on the creative server on mineverse. Please support this Report on stopping sex clubs and strip clubs On Mineverse! #StopClubsOnMc!
inb4 mineverse is sued Creative isn't really taken serious here, at all. Some people build, some little kids go there for Minecraft "sex", and others write books about some moments they've had (@PandaBear__) If you are afraid of your siblings being affected by the server, don't let them go on it.
Perfectly agreed TX. this kind of stuff needs to be stopped. i know creative is meant to let you build what you want. but geez have some standards. Kids shouldn't be seeing this and it NEEDS to stop. They can build that stuff in their own world because this was NOT what creative was made for.
Yeah... BUT there is a possibility that, say a child got on, they could figure out how to get it back to normall size...
Agreed. I think their should be specific standards on creative on what to build. Strip clubs go way too far. Agreed.
Try to avoid that happening, or possibly mute the people that constantly spam it, other than that I'm out of ideas ;P though they could play single player and open it to LAN
I've said this on the other thread Random Newby: *Oh hell yes I'm going to advertise my strip club!* "Hey guys tp for stripclub!! Lots of fun!!" @console : OH HELL NAW BREH [PWNFilter] Stripclub sex nude naked sexy PROBLEM SOLVED SKIDS