Factions [fak-shuh] noun 1. a group or clique within a larger group, party, government,organization, or the like: a faction in favor of big business. 2. party strife and intrigue; dissension: an era of faction and treason. Synonymous with discord, disagreement, schism, split and friction. Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/faction What is Factions? With this plugin players group up in Factions. You claim land as your own and build your base. Factions is a self serve anti griefing system. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land. Factions is also about diplomacy and war. You declare wars and forge alliances. You fight over land and manage your monetary expenses. Source: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/factions/ I joined Mineverse because of the factions server... I looked all over the place for a new server that had a cool server to play on. Then I found Mineverse. I gave it a go for a week and I was instantly hooked. The rush I got from pvping players, the excitement I got from raiding a base, the hours on hours I spent up until 5AM building unraidable bases, the anger I felt when a better player raided my base and ultimately the inner faction communities I built were amazing. Factions on Mineverse was my favorite thing to play. I spent days searching for faction bases and raiding them if I could, weeks collecting and organizing my vault with my friends. We collected so many chests full of loot... I was so proud to be the leader of the MineverseRaiders. But then Factions was reset... I have hardly been on factions since it reset. Not just because I lost everything I worked so hard on and for, but because now I have to do it for a third time. Yes I know, suck it up and just do it again. But to top that off, since the reset the primary functionality of factions has been removed. Factions is designed to make people mad when their faction base gets raided and make people play smart and be innovative when creating a faction base. Players are supposed to try and make hidden, unraidable bases. Yes they look ugly because we all cover them in water or obsidian, but thats just how a smart faction builds. Removing TNT from blowing up claimed land while the faction is offline makes the game less realistic. A lot of people play factions, correct me if I'm wrong but the odds of finding a base with the players actually online is low. And this not being able to open chests in claimed land while the faction isn't online is new to me but that just strengthens my belief that factions has lost a lot of what it used to be. I loved factions. But I don't know if I'll play it again. I feel like Factions is becoming more like a Towny server. This is just how I've felt for a long time. It's my opinion and no one has to agree with it. But I thought I'd share this with you all. I understand certain times the server has to be reset because of hackers or glitches, but there are ways of fixing it without a complete world recreation. Please discuss. Thank you for reading this. P.S. I am NOT hating on the Mineverse staff for any of this. Im just bummed out.
I am not very happy about having to do all of the stuff I worked so hard for because factions reset. When I was making the thread that ultimately got factions reset, I wasn't one that didn't do anything I worked hard for. The reset needed to be done, and I had to realize that. I had built three giant nether wart farms, two enderman grinders, worked for all of the money I had, and built an unraidable base with perfect coordinates. It does really suck that people ruined the economy, and made factions need the reset.
I agree. And yeah doing it all over sucks, but I would do it. But the fact that actually raiding a factions would only happen if it was online.