I went to go vote for the day. But for some reason this popped up after I filled out the CAPTCHA code and put my name in, and voted. And for some reason my vote did not count and I did not get any rewards for voting. I have voted everyday since the beginning of the month. And I did not vote right when the voting for the day reset, so I did not do it at the glitching time. It just randomly said "I have already voted for today" when I didn't. This has happened to me many times in the past. It hasn't happened in a while so I thought it was fixed. But it has happened again. So Could this please get fixed.
This has happened to mea a few times. Have you tried switching your browser? And are you sure you waited a day? I reset my router to vote, because the site tracks if you voted by IP address too. Try that. If that doesn't work, contact the admins at mincreaftservers.org --->http://minecraftservers.org/contact
Well the time that the voting resets for me is 8:00 pm. And I voted at around 9:47 pm. And I tried the next morning and it still didn't work. I think I'll just let it go, and hope it is counted towards the top voter. But this should still get fixed or looked into.
I agree, But if other players aren't having this issue, you should contact the staff of minecraftservers.org Not 100% sure if anyone on Mineverse can do anything else to help. Sorry bud.
Happened to me the 2 days ago, voted 2 hours after it resets, but never got anything for it. So, hopefully when I vote later tonight, it shows.