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  • [Official] Squad SegziCrib!

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by djryan, Apr 9, 2015.

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    1. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      In its grace, the original, SegziCrib outside:
      Hey guys. About 6 months ago, @Glaadiator, MrParkourGuy, SomeGuy, Puri~ and I had made the Segziest crib in all of existence. We called it the Segzicrib. For a long time we have kept it to ourselves, and the majority of it still will be kept to just us and the other original founders, but today we decided to make a clan out of it to share it with everyone. With this clan we plan to make a new village community of all the members. While 2 pieces of the new SegziCrib will be unavailable, as it will be just for us personally, but like the original, the one in the is free of access to all members. We have only 2 rules, follow the 2nd rule, ignore the first.
      No, really we do have some rules.

      Rule 1: Do not grief any of our lands. YOU MAY NOT TPA ANYONE UNAUTHORIZED BY THE OWNERS TO OUR LANDS DOING SO IS AN AUTOMATIC KICK. If you ever betray us you can believe in me when I say we will find you and have our

      Rule 2: Respect all those who are ranked above you in the chain of command. Disrespect any officers/staff/generals and you will have your land deprived and you will be kicked (and I will change the warp and burn your home point so you wont come back).

      Rule 3: You must follow everything any staff ask of you, including, but not limited to:​
      • Asking for claim blocks
      • Asking for resources
      • Eminent domain
      • Asking for spawners
      Etc. You get my drift.
      If you feel like a staff member or superior of any sort is abusing his/her power, please contact me with a detailed report of what he/she has done, and evidence for your claims.

      Rule 4 (Most important): Have fun with whatever you're doing, like really, none of us are serious at all lol.

      What is our goal in this effort?
      Our main goal is to become the richest, smartest, most creative clan with the best builds, best community, and best rares. Now you may ask what I mean about rares. As some of you may know already, I own the current only Silverfish Spawner and Enderdragon Egg, and everyone in the clan gets to share a part of this glory. We will work together to become the most reputable clan so that others will automatically know whom we are when asked. We are also all about creativity. You want to build a tower? Go do that! Wanna make a bank? You can do that!! And

      You can do that too (just not olaf, there can only be one)!

      anything you want to do here is possible, only limit is your imagination.

      Every week we decide on a project to do together as a group, such as making mansions, monuments, etc.

      Everyone in this group will have a special responsibility.

      Staff positions:
      Owners: @MrParkourGuy @Glaadiator @SomeGuy @DjRyan @SanityPrevails and @Puri~ (These are the highest in the chain and the founders of this group).

      Co owners: [Empty] (this will likely stay empty for a while, as these are the people I trust the very most under the owners

      Moderator: [Empty] (Assigned to keep people in check and keep the community clean and friendly. You also get to specially recommend players to me or one of the other owners)

      Team Leader: [Empty] (often heads of their group(s) such as build leader. I rely on these people to do a good job and keep a build in check)

      Member: [Empty] (you get to own land, own items, and able to build what you would like at your moderator's discretion)

      Recruit: [Empty] (you're the new guy on the block! You will learn how we do things here at the segzicrib, and how we work. You will be on a trial for about 2 weeks before you rank up to member)

      Work positions & templates:

      [Builder] : You're the dude who everyone awes at your builds. You're the creative guy. You're the one who will build all our major monuments and such. You will work under the Lead Builder.

      • IGN:
      • Age:
      • Skype (Needed for group):
      • Building skills 1-10:
      • How many hours do you plan to be active on usually?:
      • Donor Rank(if any)?:
      • Do you understand what you would do being a builder for the group?
      • What is your best build to date?
      • Why do you want to join us:
      • Why should we accept you above anybody else?

      [Redstoner] : You're the dude who makes weird complicated rube Goldberg machines that no one understand how they work, to do a simple task like open a door, or light up a tower. No one will ever understand how you do it. You're the guy who will put light switches on a tower connected to lamps, the guy who will make automated machines for convenience. The Lead Redstoner is your boss, you will work by his discretion.

      • IGN:
      • Age:
      • Skype (Needed for group):
      • Redstone skills 1-10:
      • How many hours do you plan to be active on usually?:
      • Donor Rank(if any)?:
      • Do you understand what you would do being a builder for the group?
      • What is your best contraption to date?
      • Why do you want to join us:
      • Why should we accept you above anybody else?

      [Pvper/Soldier/Warrior]: You're the guy who is really only in it to kill things for profit, and hey, I'm ok with that. The General is responsible for you.

      • IGN:
      • Age:
      • Skype (Needed for group):
      • Pvp skills 1-10:
      • How many hours do you plan to be active on usually?:
      • Donor Rank(if any)?:
      • Do you understand what you would do being a warrior for the group?
      • Why do you want to join us:
      • Why should we accept you above anybody else?

      [The Money Maker] : You're the guy who likes to make moolah, the greenstuff, money. You like to make it rain and boast about your wealth and riches, without really caring how you do it. The Cartel Leader (yes, this is the leader :/) will be responsible for you.

      • IGN:
      • Age:
      • Skype (Needed for group):
      • Money Making Skills 1-10:
      • How many hours do you plan to be active on usually?:
      • Donor Rank(if any)?:
      • Do you understand what you would do being a Money Maker for the group?
      • What is your current balance?
      • Why do you want to join us:
      • Why should we accept you above anybody else?


      Wheres the staff template?
      A: There is none. I will promote you to a staff/lead depending on what I see coming out of you.

      Do we have a base?
      A: Yes. This is where our builds will be. It's sort of like a smp.

      K, I'm a staff, can I give positions out?
      A: No. Only me or any of the other owners can. Anyone caught will receive a demotion.

      Thanks for reading, hope you apply and we hope we grow into the greatest community for survival!

      Your future owner and on behalf of the other owners,
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
    2. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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    3. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      If you want to apply follow a template.
    4. Puri~

      Puri~ Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      • IGN: purifiedbws
      • Age: 10
      • Skype (Needed for group): yw I got 1
      • Building skills 1-10: 0
      • How many hours do you plan to be active on usually?: 1
      • Donor Rank(if any)?: mvp
      • Do you understand what you would do being a builder for the group? Nope
      • What is your best build to date? Uh... I made a dirt house in survival was 4x4 box
      • Why do you want to join us: cause whynaut
      • Why should we accept you above anybody else? I'm swegzi
    5. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Promoted to god of life.
    6. Puri~

      Puri~ Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Tyty I'll go build a dirt shrine when I get back :3
    7. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      • Age:12
      • Skype (Needed for group): Private convo me for this im not publicaly giving it out anymore
      • Pvp skills 1-10:
      • How many hours do you plan to be active on usually?: 2 many
      • Donor Rank(if any)?: VIP
      • Do you understand what you would do being a warrior for the group? Kill and Rekt Skidz?
      • Why do you want to join us: Cus im bored and u guys seem legit af
      • Why should we accept you above anybody else? Cus my name is Inertia__ And i rekt @SanityPrevails Is HC HG And almost every other game on the chunk
      Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
    8. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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    9. okbeast123

      okbeast123 Experienced Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Is this a survival clan?
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