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  • {Factions Recruitment} HoodUnited.

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by 532, Apr 5, 2015.

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    1. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Sup guys brazil here as you know factions is reseting. I'm going to make a faction and finally I'm not making it private so basically I'm going to see if your well with mcmmo and also a good factions player. Firstly I'm not going to be biased at all I want some people that I can give 50% of my trust and make it so on. Also I don't care about ranks all I want is good and loyal faction player.

      So pretty much you guys have to answer what I'm about to ask you.

      1. In game name.
      2. Are you a member or do you have a rank?
      3. Do you know how to use mcmmo.
      Give me a short detailed explanation on the following mcmmo traits. Eg. What does the sword skill do and how can you get a level?
      Mcmmo skill/trait number one.
      1. Swords. How do you get that level higher and what does it to the enemy?
      2. Axes. What does axe do and what do you need to get it.
      3. Repair. What does repair do? And what supplies do you need to get it.
      4. Unarmed. What does mcmmo unarmed do? How do you get it?
      5. Acrobatics. What does acrobatics do? How do you plus this level.
      6. Excavation. What does excavation do? How do you get this level?
      7. Mining. What does mining do? How do you maintain this level?
      8. Wood cutting. What does wood cutting do? How do you maintain this level?
      9. Alchemy. What does alchemy do? How do you get this level?
      10. Herbalism. What does herbalism do? How do you get this level?
      11. Fishing. What does fishing do? How do you get this level?
      12. Archery. What does archery do? How do you get this level
      13. Taming. What does taming do? How do you get this level?
      Fill this out ^ and show me your knowledge with factions.
      4. How loyal are you?
      5. Are you a good base builder?
      6. Pvp skill /10
      7. What will you supply the faction?
      These are the question you need to fill out for now I will be asking more in the future.

      Ranks of the faction.
      So firstly we got the Owner Me, Then we got Co Owner @brazil's brother And Head Admin Toru10 and Admin Justin.

      Ranks available are Officer, member and recruit.
      For officer we got 1 spot left. For member 2 and recruit 1.

      Ps If troll apps are made I want moderators to delete them thanks for your time - Brazil <3 Please enjoy and apply also if you don't read the whole thing you're app will not be accepted.

    2. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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    3. brazil's brother

      brazil's brother Active Member

      Aug 30, 2014
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      We are currently recruiting for tomorrow.
    4. Sound

      Sound Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      1. In game name. Xrosmage
      2. Are you a member or do you have a rank? Nope i mean i just says god next to my name.
      3. Do you know how to use mcmmo. Yes
      Give me a short detailed explanation on the following mcmmo traits. Eg. What does the sword skill do and how can you get a level?
      Mcmmo skill/trait number one.
      1. Swords. How do you get that level higher and what does it to the enemy?
      2. Axes. What does axe do and what do you need to get it.
      3. Repair. What does repair do? And what supplies do you need to get it.
      4. Unarmed. What does mcmmo unarmed do? How do you get it?
      5. Acrobatics. What does acrobatics do? How do you plus this level.
      6. Excavation. What does excavation do? How do you get this level?
      7. Mining. What does mining do? How do you maintain this level?
      8. Wood cutting. What does wood cutting do? How do you maintain this level?
      9. Alchemy. What does alchemy do? How do you get this level?
      10. Herbalism. What does herbalism do? How do you get this level?
      11. Fishing. What does fishing do? How do you get this level?
      12. Archery. What does archery do? How do you get this level
      13. Taming. What does taming do? How do you get this level?
      Fill this out ^ and show me your knowledge with factions.
      I will not fill this out just look at op factions or my mcmmo on normal

      4. How loyal are you? Loyal I won't betray if I do join another faction i will unset home never faction raided it is a really dog thing to do in my opinion.
      5. Are you a good base builder? I am decent
      6. Pvp skill /10 : 10/10 ign would rate again
      7. What will you supply the faction? Armour and strafe.
    5. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Considering. May you do the following mcmmo items?
    6. Cryptic

      Cryptic Experienced Member

      Dec 26, 2014
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      1. In game name. Its_Cryptic
      2. Are you a member or do you have a rank? I have titan rank, as you already know :P
      3. Do you know how to use mcmmo. Yes ofc, I have played many mcmmo servers, and know it back to front.
      Give me a short detailed explanation on the following mcmmo traits. Eg. What does the sword skill do and how can you get a level? Mcmmo is basically a system of levels. As you progress higher is the desired skill by increasing your levels, you can unlock certain abilities and increase the effectiveness of the current skills you have. For example, as you get your acrobatics skill higher, you can jump down lower ravines.
      Mcmmo skill/trait number one.
      1. Swords. How do you get that level higher and what does it to the enemy? You get your swords skill higher by hitting players, and mobs that haven't been spawned by a mob spawner. It deals more damage to the enemy when you use "Serated Strikes".
      2. Axes. What does axe do and what do you need to get it. You get your axes level higher by killing naturally spawned mobs, and players. It deals more damage to the opponent's armour.
      3. Repair. What does repair do? And what supplies do you need to get it. You need gold, iron, diamond depending what you want to repair. As you get more repair levels, you can repair armour, and salvage armour.
      4. Unarmed. What does mcmmo unarmed do? How do you get it? You get more unarmed levels by hitting players, and naturally spawned mobs. As you get more unarmed levels, you have a higher chance of disarming the item in the opponents hand, by hitting them with your fist.
      5. Acrobatics. What does acrobatics do? How do you plus this level. You get more acrobatics levels by jumping off blocks and taking damage. As you progress, you can unlock the "Graceful Landing", "Roll", and "Dodge" abilities.
      6. Excavation. What does excavation do? How do you get this level? You get more excavation levels by digging dirt, gravel, sand, or clay. As you progress, you have higher change of getting rare items, i.e diamonds.
      7. Mining. What does mining do? How do you maintain this level? To get more mining levels, you have to mine (Duh). There are several mining abilities such as; double drops, smelting, and berserker.
      8. Wood cutting. What does wood cutting do? How do you maintain this level? To get more woodcutting levels, you cut down trees. There is a skill called "tree feller" which enables you to cut down a tree by destroying the bottom block.
      9. Alchemy. What does alchemy do? How do you get this level? You get more alchemy levels by brewing. You can unlock the ability to get potions such as haste, hunger, nausea, and a few others.
      10. Herbalism. What does herbalism do? How do you get this level? Get more herbalism levels by destroying farming items, or flowers. You can get double drops more commonly as you progress.
      11. Fishing. What does fishing do? How do you get this level? Get more fishing levels by fishing. You can fish up rare items such as diamond armour.
      12. Archery. What does archery do? How do you get this level: You get archery levels by using your bow on players and naturally spawned mobs. There are a few abilities, and as you get your level higher you deal more damage to the opponent.
      13. Taming. What does taming do? How do you get this level? To get more taming levels, you get a wolf and hit mobs. Taming enables you to use your wolves to deal more damage to players.
      Fill this out ^ and show me your knowledge with factions.
      4. How loyal are you? I don't want to start up my own faction so I won't betray, Im very loyal.
      5. Are you a good base builder? I have improved ALOT since being in a faction with you Brazil.
      6. Pvp skill /10: 9/10
      7. What will you supply the faction? A lot of $, armour, and potions.
    7. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Accepted welcome to the faction great application <3
    8. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      I don't feel like filling one out :(
    9. Gokufarts

      Gokufarts Well-Known Member

      Apr 26, 2014
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      Brazil can join?? :p
    10. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Appy please <3
    11. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Why not?
    12. Gokufarts

      Gokufarts Well-Known Member

      Apr 26, 2014
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      Never mind.
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