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  • Mcproster BIG!! Scam Report[Already Banned][Melgrath

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by Paskov123, Apr 2, 2015.

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    1. Paskov123

      Paskov123 Experienced Member

      Nov 30, 2013
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      1. Your ingame name: Paskov123
      2. The offender's ingame name: McProster
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He Scammed me of 1 million (976k but we'll call it 1 mil for simplicity) on skyblock. We were doing a trade in which i would receive a rabbit egg in return for paying him the amount of 1 million dollars. When i proceeded to pay his said money, he said that he did not get it and got off about 1-2 minutes later. I initially believed that he did recieve the money like he said, but then looked and saw that i was just being stupid and was getting scammed ONCE AGAIN by McProster(He Scammed of $10 in real life for igm before). Now, whenever i ask whether he wants to come to some conclusion, like me receiving an item worth 500k, he tells me to "Screw off" (in pics) and says that he wont get banned, and he actually admitted to recieving the money in the last pic. I will say it again McProster as i know u will probably read this, I am willing to recieve the villager spawn egg, which is worth less than the amount i paid u, in return for peace, but otherwise, i will have to go through with this since it was a scam.
      4. Evidence/screenshots.
      Description of pics below
      1) Shows that i did have over 990k at the time of the deal and shows that the deal was 976k for the rabbit egg
      2) Shows that i paid it to him (I got the msg saying i overpaid, but i looked at the client description about this message and talked to several people and they ALL said that it would pay him up to 999999 dollars
      3)Shows him refusing to talk to me when i ask him about the deal on the server
      4) Shows his admitting to it and redistributing the money to his alts, as many of u know he has MANY!

      Thanks for reading this report as i know it was long, but i did work long and hard for that 1 million, and it would be very sad for to lose it in such a way, and allow McProster to once again get away with this

      Attached Files:

    2. Paskov123

      Paskov123 Experienced Member

      Nov 30, 2013
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    3. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I can see how much money he has.
      But it doesn't actually say how much you need to pay him.
      Do you have evidence of this and sorry for the long wait
    4. Paskov123

      Paskov123 Experienced Member

      Nov 30, 2013
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      Lol its fine, it's Easter time so i understand that the mods are extra busy. Now for the question of how much i needed to pay him, this is all the evidence that i personally possess, so i am sorry about that. The only other thing that i can offer u as evidence is confirmation from many members in the skyblock community that it was that amount(I went around asking several people for loans as i was just short at the time he was on, i did manage to get a loan though so i had enough at the time that the deal was made; and we were also talking in chat for the majority of the deal, so i am sure that many people were paying attention as it was a quite large deal). Also, if you were to ask him and if he were to be honest(besides the obvious intentions of not being honest, lol), i am sure he would say that it was 1 million too. Also, even if what i said above cannot be considered as evidence of how much i needed to pay him, it still stands that he did scam me of some amount(*cough* 1 million *cough* :) ) , which would still be against the server rules.
    5. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      The player has a history of this type of thing. Specifically using the money cap against people in trades. I have seen 2-3 threads in "Help" on the forums for this type of thing from him.
    6. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      I know we have spoken about this via conversation, so I would like to get this report finished up. The player in question on this has been banned already for another offense. Should they be unbanned at a future date and attempt this sort of behavior again, please inform the staff.

      In the future, ensure you screenshot agreement on the deal, the trading of money (show bal before, payment, bal after) and any other shots that may be useful. What you have was fairly solid, but whenever trading large deals like this, better safe than sorry.

      You may also consider in the future trying to leverage chest shops to minimize the risk of a scam.

      Best Regards,
    7. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Due to a miscommunication, my previous response is no longer true (player ban appeal for the other offense was accepted an hour after my response). I have updated the punishment on this event to a Ban.

      Best Regards,
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