When you do /p info, who is the titled owner to the plot? And no canucks he types in chat for us to see he hasn't changed his name.
When you get back online please try doing /p dispose and then /p claim, this should correct the issue. If you do not own multiple plots you should be able to recollect your plot and everything on it as well as permissions to build, deny etc.. If you happen to own multiple plots you will either have to dispose of them as well if you want your original plot or use one of your others as your new main plot. If this resolves your issue please let me know by replying as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience, Muse
i recorded it and did /p dispose then /p claim and it says its already claimed so i did /p info and it was claimed by me but i still cant do anything on it @Musezeta
Please use this template when emailing support@mineverse.com for help regarding your issue: My exact in game name is: My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: I'm afraid there is not much more I can do than what I already suggested.