Thank you everyone for support. Um we already got a Head-guard already for a month KatoKillsMyGPA but thanks for feedback.
On weekends you're on from when you wake up until you sleep? Seems like you're over exaggerating on that part. Besides that, support.
Dear tin15cro, You're a very respected and experienced Prison Guard. You always poke around Survival and I enjoy your company there. From that I can already tell you're very socialized and friendly towards players. +1 You're also very helpful whenever I stumble upon a more difficult situation. You're obviously a very helpful person. +1 Now, your maturity is obvious. Nothing besides a 100 compliments could be said about that. I had my doubts at first (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back) but you've proven me wrong. +1 You're incredibly active on Prison. You're perfectly capable of handling difficult situations and coming up with a creative solution to stop the problem. I've also noticed you continue to teach new staff members in simple things (i.e moving a thread, handling ban apeals, ingame support, etc) which (I hope) you continue to in the future. +1 Giving your experience, maturity, and creativity, I believe you are the perfect candidate for Head-Guard. You've got the required experience to help future guards and help them if they are in trouble/need help handling a certain situation. +1 Congratulations! You've reached 5/5 points! You have my full support, tin15cro. (promote this gentleman @CypriotMerks)
On weekends I have nothing to do expect play anyways thank you for the support! Thank you I bet it took you long to write this hehe anyways thank you Ares, a lot
Isn't it a bit early to apply for Head-Guard? The promotion ladder would be: Guard/Mod -> Global Mod -> If you were Guard, Head-Guard -> Head-Mod -> Admin