Hello So .. 3.5k Scammed in Less than 24 hours. New record? When He goes Afk (He says- "Brb gotta call my "Job". In the end I Tell that he scammed me. I gave him 30minutes to get back. Well i guess not. And, Ive been SCAMMED on 3.5k now. I'd like if u take the MOney From "HIM" and give it back to me. Couldn't Be more fair.
You're trusting too many people - Even with people knowing it's against the rules . They'll still break them. Be cautious. I still have never been scammed. You need to be the one with the upper-hand. Meaning, make it where they have to trust you. So there's no possible way to be scammed. We can NOT take money from other players and give it to you, My apologies.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.