He is only showing if it was hacks 1 time.. It could just been lag for 1 time. I know when I have been lagy at Parkour and fall sometimes it has teleported me back up. Anyway lets see waht @Musezeta have to say about this.
But he just fly teleports everytime he falls. Like when i saw him doing 2 (it was before i recorded) well, he kept fly teleporting (No cheat plus glitch) Like how Musezta reported me.
The reported player fell and warped once at the 00:09 mark, again at 00:18 and the final time at 00:42. All three times he fell, took damage, and warped back to the last solid block he was stood upon. All signs point toward AntiFall and what some clients call Parkour. I say there is enough evidence.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.