I never said he was good... I said "here is the best pvper in MY opinion" Troll and Mgcarr are just mad because I mentioned them, typical mineverse.
Well, you are doing the same thing. "Everyone thinks that they are the best". You are doing the exact same thing, yet with your friend. It makes no difference. Don't be a hypocrite.
@TrollHQ Please cry over a thread? and @OnionWarrior when you said "Everyone thinks they are the best" You are referring to you too right? Guys Just stop being babies because I said who I thought was the best PvPer. Just one opinion turns into this? wow
You were the one that continued the argument. We were just stating the fact that your friend isn't good. Which is true.. Don't start an argument that you cannot finish.
Don't brag like all the minecraft noobs that think they are sooo good at pvp. Oh I forgot there is the ignore thing lol I don't want to spam this thread like you have been doing. this is my last post
@OnionWarrior , @TrollHQ & @daTNTkid stop arguing lmao if you keep this up the mods will close the thread like last time
Judging by how bad you beat me on kohi. I only said one thing. He continued the argument, I just play along.
Talking to you is a waste of my time. You are also continuing to spam the thread with replies. Just leave it at my first comment on the video of your friend. It's pointless for me to continue to put up with your uneducated arguments. I'm done listening to you being hypocritical. kthxbye