Heyy NoobCrew/admins/mods my gin is iMac20II, I live in a new zealand time zone lets say the bottom half of the world. I live in new zealand which fits in with most countries time zones, I am male I speak a little bit of spanish. I think I should be mod because I have had past experience on servers such as my own and other peoples i do not know irl. I can be active for about 3-5 hours daily Not as much as i have been hoping for because I have exams coming up but after that i will be on for about 6-8 hours daily [Most days] I have been playing mine verse for about half a year I have met great friends such as kyleslayer01 rakion camel thesteeflame mr_matt and a whole bunch of others. Yes I have had past exp at mod as a said above I have been mod on a few servers such as pigpvp and goat craft and Imperial Kingdoms. I know all mod commands and would appreciate if you gave me mod. [Thanks for your time to read this - iMac20II] P.S I have been seeing and hearing lately from close friends that some mods have been abusing commands to help friends I do not like this favoritism and would like to have strict terms on mod and them check on regulary.
Sorry Imac you are my bud but his is not the correct format if you want to see the right format check this out http://mineverse.com/threads/mod-application-template-read-before-posting.1/
Honestly , there's nothing wrong with spicing it up. I didn't follow the format , and I got Moderator. Support iMac , also goodluck with Lexy >:3
ducky if you dont support say it in a nice way this is a very rude behaviour and i will address this to everyone that said no support the reason you guys probably didn't support was the fact that you are a hater
Ur not mod :p I'm sorry but I do NOT support.. do to lack of detail and not following the format (all of it)
Thou shalst not raise thy thread from thy grave. Thy thread is over 1th yearth oldeth. To Thy archives this shall go, where none can disturb thy slumber (Don't bump stuff.)