Hi Builder, I seriously don't know much about you, but from what I've heard, you're a nice person. I don't know that for sure, but if I had to choose a definition of you; it'd be as follows: "You're a nice person, respects almost 99% of the people all times and you are a funny guy." I don't usually like Kit-PvP players; because they think they're all good. ;/ Don't know you that well, but all I know about you really is that you called me a hacker once on infection and I laughed so hard. One of my top #5 Ex-Mods out there, fabulous person. 10/10. I really did like you Hyper, you were the most caring person and you took your moderation work seriously and you never abused. So much I can say about you Red. You are/were my first minecraft best friend. You're the funniest guy ever with you and your brother :3, you always Skype me whenever I ask and you're really nice. I wish you were still available to play but sucks your MC doesn't work :3. Red, you were always there for me, no matter what was going on, you'd always want to talk to me and share your stories about your instagram and stuff. I really do enjoy talking to you and I also really like playing MC/Cod/Other games with you. Soon I may be able to visit you IRL as I know where you live. <3 Marcussss C: You're one of my favs on infection, always talked to me and you're really friendly towards anyone. <3
Well, I'll do you right now. Myrla you are one of the type of people who are caring and nice, you're always wanting to Skype me, you're always wanting to talk to me and play with me in-game. You're a respectful person towards me and I appriciate it.