Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Nicks the one that glitches, I just take all the and bail.
LOOOL! I play kohi so its all about PvP rather then taking **DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS** and bailing
I can't pvp with 15 fps so all I can do is grind. :(
ooooooh. I can PvP with 400 fps but i cant raid. xD
Banned for being a duck.
Banned for receiving a gold medal from cypriotmerks
Banned for taking a minecraft selfie and making it your profile picture
Banned for harassing him for making a mine craft character his profile pic lol
banned for being a nub
banned for being a fegot heheh
banned for being a "sooper" mean person ;)
banned for being awshum, not a fegot ;3
Banned for trying to ban an insane person.
Banned for no reason.
banned for taking a startre pokemon
Banned for not being a Pokemon in general.
Banned for being Mega
Banned for being online.
Banned for eating my pizza