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  • Badlerner

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by djryan, Feb 14, 2015.

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    1. KatoKillsMyGPA

      KatoKillsMyGPA Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Alrighty I'll be dealing with this thread in pieces. First off I'll state I never moved that thread, nor do I move threads unless they're finished. Now then onto the actual point of this thread.

      Part 1:​

      @Badlerner while I understand you were raised to believe that stating "Jesus Christ" is a sin and therefore seen as a swear unfortunately it isn't one here and as such shouldn't be treated as such. If anything you can ask the player to refrain from using that language, but if they don't then it isn't actually something to take offense, nor action against since players/people believe in what they believe and act accordingly. The banning of @DjRyan on that subject was improper and not needed. I'd appreciate it if you didn't take action against this in the future. While you may be against this it is how the server treats those words. I'm sorry if you find discontent with that answer.

      Part 2:​

      While it may be prudent to not lock certain threads it is usually done for the better of the server. I understand this one in question might have been a little wonky and done improperly, but that is usually why threads are locked. I will say we generally try to allow admins/head-mods to respond before moving threads if that is where their natural conclusion happens. Unfortunately this wasn't done here, but it shall be re-said again that if it involves a head-mod/admin please allow them to say their peace before threads are moved/archived. Furthermore @Badlerner while I understand your native/best language may not be English it would be appreciated by many of the players to (and I would recommend it) to proof read your posts so they are coherent and explain your position. This would mainly make it easier for the players to understand why and what you have done. Finally the use of "Tough boy" wasn't really needed, nor was it appropriate for the situation.

      Part 3:​
      Regarding his activity he is active enough to warrant his position. You don't have to post everyday to stay a moderator. While this may not be the popular opinion you only have to handle reports, threads, and be on the servers, which he does when it comes down to it.

      TL;DR ​
      It was handled in an unsavory way and I shall be speaking to him about how to handle certain situations and threads. I appreciate your report and you should know I will handle this to make up for the problems made. As stated I would like to extend my deepest apologies for your improper ban and hope you can enjoy the server + forums. Have a good day.
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