How old are you? 11 Your in-game name: RainbowCookiz What timezone are you in? IDK how to say What country do you live in? Japan What languages do you speak? Japanese, Korean, (fluent) English Why do you think you should become a mod? Because every time I log on I always want to help others when How long can you be active on the server everyday? About once a day or once in two days, it really depends on my schedule. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since August or later. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, once on a server, I helped a Co-Owner so he made me a moderator. I also made an application such as this one to a server and it was accepted by the owner so I got the rank. I banned bad people and muted spammers.
can you add more to : Why do you think you should become a mod? maybe u also need to play a little longer but i do support u
These application has less then one sentence of Why should I be Mod? try reading more detailed apps, (With more replys)
Your application could benefit from more detail, especially regarding why you think you should be a mod and past experience. Other than that, good luck.