Hey Mineversians! So I feel we don't connect enough. Yes, I know we all communicate on the forums and in-game, but I want more people to connect in different ways! This way we will learn more about the people we play with and possibly share new experiences! Things that you can share: Steam Name: Twitter: NNID: PSN: XBL Gamertag: Other Games (specify): Anything else: Real name (Optional): Please DO NOT SHARE: Skype (You may get DDoS'ed.) Address Phone Number By replying to this thread you agree that: Anyone may see this information Anyone may send you a request/follow you on any of these formats Hope to see more of you connecting in new ways! cya
Heres Mine: Steam: diggyhd_ Instagram: akshayt14 Snapchat: akshayt14 kik: akshayt14 Gamer tag: Coolfire Twitter: @AkshayT2000