I was playing, I was with my friend and we were 2v1ing some random people, we got this guy stuck in a house and starting wrecking him and eventually we killed him and we got a ton of stuff, he seemed mad and attempted to hack our accounts, so i quickly took a screenshot and made a forums account here it is thanks please do something im getting scared https://gyazo.com/5cb5e5eccb428ed062d895cb410f9096
r accounts, so i quickly took a screenshot and made a forums account here it is thanks please do something im getting scared https://gyazo.com/5cb5e5eccb428ed062d895cb410f9096
r accounts, so i quickly took a screenshot and made a forums account here it is thanks please do something im getting scared https://gyazo.com/5cb5e5eccb428ed062d895cb410f9096
r accounts, so i quickly took a screenshot and made a forums account here it is thanks please do something im getting scared https://gyazo.com/5cb5e5eccb428ed062d895cb410f9096
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.