I am 20 Years old My in game name is KYLEC915. My time zone is Central time. I live in the United States. I speak English and a bit of Spanish. I would like to become a mod because I see a lot of spamming,profanity,and Hacked items on the server. I would like to stop all the bad things happening on the server because I want the players to have a good environment to play in. As you can see a great percent of the players are kids 14 and below. They don't need to be seeing all that profanity. That is why I would appreciate being a mod. Yes I play everyday for 1 to 3 hours a day. I have been playing minecraft for about a year. I have some experience being a moderator on my old server. Its gone now because its costing be too much money.
Your app could benefit from some more detail, especially regarding why you think you should be a mod and past experience. Other than that, good luck.
I said No support Because You could of Put A bit More Reasons why you want to be Mod Also I said no Support Because Alot of Mod applys on The Forums say they can play to about 4-6 And you can play only 1-3 hours. If you add More Reasons why you should be Mod and Play longer on the Server I would support.