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  • [Debate] Is there such a thing as "Bad taste in music?"

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Yin, Feb 7, 2015.


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    1. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Hei guys, Yin here
      I thought I'd start up a short experiment, as well as I find opinions on a question that I've been pondering upon for a while. What I'm trying to see is how much we'd enjoy seeing this types of threads, and the true level of maturity out of people (which I have a good picture of, but still need to to show some true colours). In this case, I'm leaving it off to a very simple question, that isn't quite subjective to what goes around in our world. So, let's start by asking ourselves "Is there such a thing, as a bad taste in music, or is it just that another person who dislikes your music?"

      I'd insert my opinion here, but I'd like to see others first, and see more to varying against it, followed by a debate between the opposing sides, to see where each of us go. After a set amount of time, I'll be seeing how many converted against their original side, and the conclusion, followed by locking, and awaiting the next thread. Eventually, I'll add my side to the story, but for now, I'll see what you guys have to say

      And remember to folks, emphasis is key! It truly proves your point.

      Also note, the difference between a debate and an argument, is that a debate supplies a point to disagree to an opposing side. I might break up arguments, and if things get out of hand, I'll delete or lock this thread, knowing that we won't ever mature enough for these types of discussions.

    2. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Everyone has opinions ans everyone has the right to like and dislike what music they like :3
    3. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Evidence to back up that statement?
    4. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Well i like sorta dubstep music Like monstercat. I know my grandma Loves country/olden day music from the 80's music but says our music these days are too fake and computerized and she hates it. My sister likes to listen to a youtube band called Cimorelli But dosent like dubstep. she doesnt like the sound of it. I Like most music including dubstep. I Like the beat and love to move to it.

      Everyone on earth has the right to liken what they want to and are entitled to their own opinions
    5. BlueStr3ak

      BlueStr3ak Active Member

      Feb 5, 2015
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      I think it's more that people don't like a certain type of Music. I enjoy, probably all types of Music, except Metal. Other people prefer Metal over other music. We're all hooked onto some type of Music. There is no "bad taste" in Music, because, someone is bound to like that type of Music. There is no type of Music in the world that is disliked by 7.2 billion people. Otherwise, it wouldn't exist.
    6. ShonalFromRaxs

      ShonalFromRaxs Boss Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Different people like different music there no bad music unless its sounds like someone taking deep throat then yes bad music *didn't even read the whole thing*
    7. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      there is no "bad-taste" in music. Music is a way of conveying feelings and ideas. The thought that people would have the audacity to say someone's music is bad is absurd. Every one is entitled to their opinion in music and other ideas. One example for my claim is alot of young girls and some guys enjoy listening to Justin Bieber and 1D, and people call those people idiots for listening to such a genre. But in a sense justing and 1d do have good music just no one really wants it. Most young people hate Classical and the same goes with old people hating techno and the such. There is no true way to dictate a bad taste in music.
    8. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      No, there is no such thing as having a bad taste in music. People tell others they have a bad taste in music because the other people dislike the music that they listen to. I've been told countless time I've got a bad taste in music because most people around my age are into rap, dubstep, house, etc and I enjoy listening to Alternative rock/some punk/some deathcore e.g. Avenged Sevenfold, 3 Doors Down, Bring Me The Horizon, All Time Low (Thanks @HeyitsAlexa) and occasionally Black Veil Brides. Basically what I am saying is that having a bad taste in music is only a thought, one cannot have a bad taste in music as like somebody states above, there is always going to be someone else out there that likes the same music as you do.
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    9. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Just gonna bump this for now.
    10. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      It's all about opinions, so I guess there isn't "bad taste".
    11. salamander

      salamander Boss Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Oh boy, I love debates. Note that it's 6am so sorry for mistakes and senseless statement ect.

      Music is a different thing for everyone, some hear it differently compared to others. It's hard to describe music, and, at least for me, describe why exactly we like it.
      It's a differing thing, since all of us have a different understanding and philosophy with music. A cliché statement, is that it's a matter of an opinion. I would agree with such a statement. There is no such thing as bad music.
      Most people classify songs with "meaningless" lyrics "bad" or "not real" music, which is not exactly true. You can personally think it's bad, okay, but anything with has music notes is music; no matter the lyrics, if they at all exist.
      I listen to rap on YouTube, and I often see people comment "This isn't real music/rap." which, as stated above, is untrue, and actually annoyes me greatly.
      It's impossible for one to have bad taste in anything, such as clothing. There are no set rules for what is good and bad taste in anything, so it's impossible. All opinion. However, stating an opinion in a rude manner, such as "your music taste is bad" is just distasteful in itself.

      To be continued.
    12. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      No two people will ever have the exact same taste in music. For that to happen, they would need to have a clone. Music is heard by the ears and information is transferred to the brain. Its there, where the brain (you) decide whether or not you like the music or not. And since no two humans will be exactly the same or have the same brain, it is impossible to have the exact same taste in music. Thus proving that there is no such thing as a bad taste in music, because everyone is different. But some people might be self absorbed and think their taste in music is the best and everyone else's is the worst.

      Glad I could get that out of my system.:)
    13. Alan

      Alan Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2015
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      To say that there's such a thing as a bad taste in music would condemn a portion of the world who follows that taste, who can't control their opinion. Therefore, I see no reason to think that there is a bad taste in music, because whoever follows the "bad taste", who will be condemned, could just as well be you.
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