The way you wrote this... It's almost like when you recorded and 'banned' all of those hackers, you weren't doing it for the Mineverse community... You were doing it in hopes of a rank. Wow. A lot of people record and report everyday, and the reason they do it is because they care about Mineverse and don't want hackers ruining other players fun.
I bun people give me wrank noww. I am bet wecorder I want my utubar rank Noaw. Seriously get a life and continue playing we all record and ban we all do it doesn't mean you should get special treatment.
Recording hackers , is you making the decision to make the server you play on have less hackers. As I recall , you've been banned for hacks (more than once), and you're not the "Batman of Gotham" .. You're a player who doesn't mind using hacks, but records & reports others who use them. Your track record is nasty.
Just delete this damn thread your all a bunch of a** holes :P screw off. Didn't you f*** Read the THread I SAID IDC For the ranks!, I said credit no ranks, and the youtuber thing was for a prefix idc for rank. Now I relize this community is sh!t ur all a** holes.. Like for real, cant wait to find a different server so I can leave this one because I geuss this is the only damn server with a good kitpvp and op pvp... Stop disliking my posts :P
@canucksfan44 Delete this freaken thread there is a bunch of sh!t people posting :P. This community . I quit I am stop recording hackers I don't care for this server anymore...
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