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    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Feurin, Jan 7, 2015.

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    1. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      Technically I did follow the format.
    2. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Technically yes, but you didn't add the required information.
    3. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      I followed them
    4. Blocky

      Blocky Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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    5. xxEVILxELMOxx

      xxEVILxELMOxx Active Member

      Sep 18, 2014
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      I'd like to join, but I'm not filling out this form lol! You know me.
    6. ColeDudeGochko

      ColeDudeGochko Experienced Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      1. In-Game Name: ColeDudeGochko
      - Alt's Name: TheSneaksterHQ

      2. What's Your Balance?: $0

      3. What's Your Main Skill?: I can do anything to my abilities. My specialties are mostly around the resource gathering and pvp area.

      4. What Can You Bring To Us: A loyal member, and I am very good at communicating.

      5. Why Do You Want To Join Saviors? [Minimum 4 Sentences]
      I'd like to join Saviors because I am looking for a good faction to apply to on prison. I know my balance is low but I will make sure to get it up when I start playing prison constantly. For now, I plan on mining and being a part of a strong faction like this. You can always count on me because I have never betrayed a team in my life. I would also work on developing our faction and working on its' bad areas.

      6. Who Is Your Best Kill?: Not sure.

      7. What is your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 10 if I don't have internet problems.

      8. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: This really depends. This is the most accurate information I can provide.
      Monday: 1 - 2 hours.
      Tuesday: 1 - 2 hours.
      Wednesday: 30 minutes.
      Thursday: 30 minutes.
      Friday: 3 - 4 hours.
      Saturday: 5 - 6 hours.
      Sunday: 2 - 3 hours.

      9. Do You Accept The Rules:? [Yes/No] Yes, I have read them over carefully and accept them.

      10. What Can You Bring To Saviors That Others Can't?: [Minimum 5 Sentences]
      This is an interesting question. I can bring a loyal soul that will never betray the faction, I can cooperate, act mature, and be a problem-solver. I know many people say this but I, myself, really mean this. My application isn't of the best, so that would probably affect my chances of joining.
      Thank you for reading.

      Best Regards,
    7. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      @ColeDudeGochko, your status is
      PENDING we will have a decision shortly.
    8. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      1. In-Game Name: [Name Alts Aswell] PrincessPayne

      2. What's Your Balance?: about 30? :c

      3. What's Your Main Skill?: Mining, 129.. Sorry that it's not a pvp skill :\

      4. What Can You Bring To Us: I can bring kindness and funny jokes to Saviors. I am helpful and won't let you guys down, we work as a team. ;)

      5. Why Do You Want To Join Saviors? [Minimum 4 Sentences] I want to join saviors because I'm starting to get back into prison and this is a great start for me to join you guys as I know most of the people already in Saviors, so I can communicate very well with them.

      6. Who Is Your Best Kill?: Not sure, to be honest.

      7. What is your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 6?

      8. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: 2-3 hours a day.

      9. Do You Accept The Rules:? [Yes/No] No, of course not. c:

      10. What Can You Bring To Saviors That Others Can't?: [Minimum 5 Sentences] What I can bring to saviors is a trustworthy player that will never betray or unsatisfy the presence of Saviors. I believe I can bring cool suggestions and show a great example of responsibility for Saviors. I'm not the someone who slacks around and lets everything come to them, I'm the one who steps up for the members and stands up tall to take on whatever comes in our way ;)

      If you do not provide proper information, you will be instantly denied.

      1. In-Game Name: [List Alts] PrincessPayne

      2. What Is Your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 6?

      3. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: 2-3 hours a day.

      4. Do You Accept The Rules?: [Yes/No] No

      5. Who Is Your Best Kill: Not sure.

      6. What Rank Are You? [Rank/Donor] Free/God

      7. Do You Know The Contraband List?: Yeppers.

      8. Why Do You Want To Join The Saviors Party? [Minimum 2 Sentences] Because if I'm joining the faction hopefully I can join both. I'm loyal to everything I join and will never betray, no matter what the cost, no matter how big the offer.

      9. What Is Your Best McMMO Skill?: Mining, 129
      If you do NOT give more than 2 PROPER sentences, you will be instantly denied.
    9. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      @ColeDudeGochko you have been accepted. I will invite you next time I see you online, congratulations, welcome to the Saviors Faction.

      @PrincessPayne you have been
      accepted into the faction, but denied to join the party, welcome to the Saviors Faction. :)
      I'll invite you when I see you next in-game.
    10. ColeDudeGochko

      ColeDudeGochko Experienced Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      If I see you on Prison I'll just /m you.
    11. Blocky

      Blocky Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      . In-Game Name: blockypro123
      2. What's Your Balance?: 114k
      3. What's Your Main Skill?: Archery or stealth or traps.
      4. What Can You Bring To Us: I can train people using bow and arrows and find enemy bases quickly. Traps.

      5. Why Do You Want To Join Saviors? [Minimum 4 Sentences] I would like to join Saviors for a couple of reasons. Firstly our Opfacs/infection version of this clan. I am leader and you are the co-owner so we can spread our horizons to get recruits. I always defend my base to the death and I can set traps.
      6. Who Is Your Best Kill?: Cryptic_Luxury
      7. What is your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 6 getting better.
      8. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: 3-5 hours.

      9. Do You Accept The Rules:? [Yes/No] Yes
      10. What Can You Bring To Saviors That Others Can't? I can bring Archery skills that no one else has. I'm good against moving targets and far targets. I'm a good scout and can defend our base in case of an attack.
    12. Intel

      Intel Experienced Member

      Jan 1, 2014
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      In-Game Name: [List Alts] leggomaster1

      2. What Is Your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 8

      3. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: 5-6 hours

      4. Do You Accept The Rules?: [Yes/No] yes

      5. Who Is Your Best Kill: thesteeflame

      6. What Rank Are You? [Rank/Donor] free/titan

      7. Do You Know The Contraband List?: yep

      8. Why Do You Want To Join The Saviors Party? [Minimum 2 Sentences]
      I am very good at getting a lot of resources fast I am also very good at getting mcmmo skills up.
      I am very good at using swords and axes to pvp with my unarm is getting higher very quickly.

      9. What Is Your Best McMMO Skill?: mining (lvl 800)
      If you do NOT give more than 2 PROPER sentences, you will be instantly denied

    13. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      @Blockypro123, accepted. I'll invite you when I next see you in-game. Welcome to Saviors.

      @Leggomaster1, accepted. I'll invite you when I next see you in-game. Welcome to Saviors.
      You both will be recruits, till I can gain your trusts. :)
    14. Intel

      Intel Experienced Member

      Jan 1, 2014
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      elite go on prison
    15. Bakes32

      Bakes32 Well-Known Member

      Mar 8, 2014
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      Faction Thread:
      1. In-Game Name: [Name Alts Aswell] Bakes32
      2. What's Your Balance?: 72.65k
      3. What's Your Main Skill?: Mining. (So Pro, it's 64 o3o)
      4. What Can You Bring To Us: My kit.
      5. Why Do You Want To Join Saviors? [Minimum 4 Sentences] Because. Because I am friends with most of the people in the faction thing already. I've personally been asked my Elite to do this to. I can not think of a fourth sentence so.. ELITEBAKERS
      6. Who Is Your Best Kill?: I killed this guy with fully enchanted diamond armour with normal diamond armour and a diamond sword. xD
      7. What is your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 7-8
      8. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: NO!
      9. Do You Accept The Rules:? [Yes/No] Yes o3o
      10. What Can You Bring To Saviors That Others Can't?: [Minimum 5 Sentences] Well, I can bake cookies. I can bring a cheer to everyone. I'm willing to give my kit and body to anyone in the faction who is in need. I an give the faction spirit and courage. Finally I can be awesome Wow. Who wrote that.. o3o

      Party Thread:
      1. In-Game Name: [List Alts] bakes32
      2. What Is Your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 7-8
      3. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: Depends Like I said.
      4. Do You Accept The Rules?: [Yes/No] No.
      5. Who Is Your Best Kill: I killed a guy.. yeah..
      6. What Rank Are You? [Rank/Donor] Titan
      7. Do You Know The Contraband List?: Yus. Although I'm free I don't use my bow in the prison.. DO I ELITE???!?!?! o3o jk
      8. Why Do You Want To Join The Saviors Party? [Minimum 2 Sentences] Because the Saviors are awesome and their name is spelt wrong. The community in the saviors is already people I know and am friends with o3o.
      9. What Is Your Best McMMO Skill?: Mining at 890 and then Repair at 390. My best combat skill is swords at 160 and my axes is 115
    16. Watermelonone

      Watermelonone Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2014
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      1. In-Game Name: [Name Alts Aswell]watermelonone
      2. What's Your Balance?:like 32k
      3. What's Your Main Skill?:bow but I can pvp aswell
      4. What Can You Bring To Us:I can bring my kit elite .-. Cause I left my stuff in my old faction
      5. Why Do You Want To Join Saviors? [Minimum 4 Sentences]i want to join because I want to make new friends on it also pvp with someone other people :), I want to know you more.
      6. Who Is Your Best Kill?:can't rermber
      7. What is your PvP Skill?: [1-10]8
      8. How Active Can You Be Per Day?:I can be ative 1-3 hours
      9. Do You Accept The Rules:? [Yes/No]yes
      10. What Can You Bring To Saviors That Others Can't?: [Minimum 5 Sentences]i can bring friendly, kind and my elite kit, lol, when you will need money I will pay you some but the most of all i just want to meet new people on factions ;)
      If you do not provide proper information, you will be instantly denied.
    17. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      @Bakes32 denied. :3
      Welcome to Saviors, I'll invite you next time you're on.
      You've been accepted in both:
      - Party
      - Faction. Congratulations.

      Sorry, but you have been denied for the lacks of information, you may re-apply again in 3 days again, but next time, add more information.
    18. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      @Bakes32 and @ColeDudeGochko, you two are still pending to join the faction side, once you guys are online, I will invite you.
    19. Bakes32

      Bakes32 Well-Known Member

      Mar 8, 2014
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      Yep. Got it.
    20. TakaMaHeShe.

      TakaMaHeShe. Experienced Member

      Aug 7, 2014
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      1. In-Game Name: [List Alts] TakaMaHeShe

      2. What Is Your PvP Skill?: [1-10] 7-8. If i had something like 50ms I would be happy to say my pvp skill is 9 or 10
      3. How Active Can You Be Per Day?: 1 hour
      4. Do You Accept The Rules?: [Yes/No] Yes, but no. I do not accept your Horrible rules
      5. Who Is Your Best Kill: I don't keep track of people I kill. They are not very good if I kill them :p
      6. What Rank Are You? [Rank/Donor] Elite (D Prisoner)
      7. Do You Know The Contraband List?: Yes. ( Swords/Bows = 1-2 hour jail time, Wood swords are allowed ect.
      8. Why Do You Want To Join The Saviors Party? [Minimum 2 Sentences] Because I don't play prison much, having a team to play with would make prison more interesting and fun to play on.
      9. What Is Your Best McMMO Skill?: Mining.
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