Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ZzBowserSwagzZ The offender's ingame name: Al3x_NetS321 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming, he said in chat "Clear a level of my plot for 100 Bil!!!" and thinking it would be a good deal i did it and he didn't pay. Evidence/screenshots.
I can clearly see you're hacks in this screenshot but i don' know what its called. (on the left where there is box's around people).
Its player esp hacks. Even if you could do fn f3 b you cant do the line pointing outwards Edit: it's called traces
i just tried it. I get three lines 1 red 1 blue and 1 green that don't touch anything other than the cross
There is not enough proof of him scamming but you on the other hand tracer is not allowed so you are banned. Closing.