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  • [USA] TruMu77's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by scsedlac, Dec 29, 2014.

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    1. scsedlac

      scsedlac Active Member

      Dec 24, 2014
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      Hello! My username is TruMu77, and I love Mineverse. I've been on Mineverse for around a year, starting in September 2013. I am a moderator in two different servers, but they are both not a 24/7 nor a bukkit server. I usually play on creative, OP PVP, and skyblock. Mineverse is one of my favorite servers because rules, commands, and games are very easy to follow/use. ;)

      A little about me:
      I am typically a very friendly person. I love to make friends, I accept other cultures, and I help people when they are in need of it. I am mature when it comes to fight, but I defend my friends when they need it, although when they are wrong I will stand up for the right person, but we eventually become friends again. I love Minecraft, but not single player very much. That was when I found Mineverse. I do play on other servers but Mineverse is my absolute favorite. :p

      How old am I?
      I am 15 years old.

      What is my in-game name?

      What timezone am I in?
      Central Standard Time (CST)

      What country do I live in?
      I live in the United States.

      What languages do I speak?
      English, Spanish, learning Dutch.

      Why do I think I should become a moderator?
      Mostly going on creative, I see things like swearing, virtual s*x slaves, and advertisement for strip clubs. I just never thought that was meant to be the purpose of Mineverse, and wish I could say something being taken seriously. I am also very helpful, knowing most a lot of commands on Mineverse. I like to interact with a lot of the players, and reply to new players wondering about a command. I don't run away from a rude comment like a 13 year old girl, but I stay calm and won't go off at people with caps and swearing.

      How long am I active each day?:
      Around 4-5 hours each day.

      How long have I been playing Mineverse?
      I've been playing Mineverse for just over a year.

      Have I been banned from any server in the past?

      Do I have experience in moderating?
      I've moderated two non-bukkit servers, I am no longer moderator due to the case they made the servers private.

      Which two servers would I like to moderate?
      Creative and OP PVP.

      I hope you understand why I want to moderate. I am very active on Mineverse and love to interact with the chat, help out people, and make new friends. :)
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    2. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Why not just post it when it's done?
    3. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      This might be the most original advertisement of the month.
    4. scsedlac

      scsedlac Active Member

      Dec 24, 2014
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      I did it but my internet crashed so I lost it. I didn't know how to delete the post
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