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  • Staffordjr9's Moderator application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by staffordjr9., Dec 28, 2014.

    1. staffordjr9.

      staffordjr9. Active Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      How old are you?: I am currently 13 years old

      Your In Game Name: My in game name is staffordjr9

      What timezone are you in?: Eastern Time Zone (UTC)

      What country do you live in?: I live in The United States of America

      What languages do you speak?: I speak English and can speak basic Japanese

      Why do you think you should become a moderator?:
      I am not after the moderator position for all the "perks" and "fame" around the server. I want to become a moderator, because I truly love that feeling of helping people out in any way, shape, or form I can. Here are some characteristics/qualities that I have that I think would make me a good moderator.

      Honesty: Honesty is a big part of who I am today and that is why I put it first. What honesty means to me is being truthful to everybody around you, whether it be friends, family, or even people you don't know. If someone is honest to you, you can trust them and trust is also very important to me.

      Trust: If people don't trust you, you will get no where in life. That is why I make sure that everyone I am around trusts me as a person. Trusts me to get the job done, trusts me to be honest with them, the list goes on and on. And I hope that everyone puts trust in me to be a great moderator.

      Respect: I recently wrote a short story, titled "respect is key" for my english class. In this story I stated how respect is very important to me and how respect has been very important to me throughout my lifetime. Whether it just be small like saying "please" or "thank you" or something bigger like not saying "no" to help out with a project. I am always looking for ways to show respect daily.

      Understanding: In order to make the right call, you need to understand both sides of the argument and I feel like that is something I am good at. If someone doesn't understand then they could make the completely wrong call and that could lead to more arguing and it would be more bad than the original situation.

      Loyalty: I view myself as a very loyal person, always sticking with it. I must stick with the server and its great community and never give up on it. I feel this is very important when being a part of something such as a minecraft server.

      Those are the main reasons I think I should become a moderator. I chose 5 main ones, that can branch off into many smaller things such as loyalty can branch off into always staying active and so on and so forth.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?: I can be on the server a lot, depending on the day.

      School Day: On a school day, I can probably be on the server 3-4 hours a day depending on how much homework, projects etc. I have to get done.

      Non-School Day: On a day where I don't have school, I can probably be on 5-6 hours a day depending on what I am doing on that day.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?:
      I have been playing mineverse since a few months after it came out, so around a year and three quarters. I have been playing for a while, but only recently made a forums account.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?: No, I have never been banned from mineverse.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?: I am currently a staff member on LeBrand's server, so I know some commands, but we have not put in plug-ins. Because Lebrand said the plug-in makers got sued so we can't put them in yet. But Mineverse will no doubt take top priority, before that server.

      Which two servers would you like to moderate?: I would like to moderate Skyblock. I know it says pick two but honestly I mostly play on skyblock. I spend time on almost all the servers, but would only feel comfortable moderating skyblock. On skyblock I feel like I have a great friendship with a lot of people.
      Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
    2. Ilikeicecream83

      Ilikeicecream83 Experienced Member

      Nov 15, 2014
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      100% Support! you are added to my island on skyblock so I know you really well. Your very active on skyblock and treat all players with respect. You really enjoy helping people out especially new players to skyblock. You always work hard on skyblock and enjoy making friends. On infection you understand the rules and have been playing for a long time. I think you would be an awesome mod for skyblock and infection. We need experienced mods especially in skyblock, I never see any on. Good Luck!;)
    3. staffordjr9.

      staffordjr9. Active Member

      Sep 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank You for the support! :)
    4. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      no support. Editing for you. The application is good in my eyes so I can not give any criticism to you I just feel in personal opinion it would be interesting if you were a mod and the server is interesting enough as it is.
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    5. staffordjr9.

      staffordjr9. Active Member

      Sep 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Could you maybe give me some constructive criticism? Thank you
    6. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I have never seen you helping anyone in Infection.
    7. staffordjr9.

      staffordjr9. Active Member

      Sep 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Yeah, I mostly play skyblock.
      Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    8. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      Meh. I've never seen you ever before on infection. 75% support.
    9. diamond_673

      diamond_673 Experienced Member

      Oct 13, 2014
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      support on sky block u treate players with respect and also i think u would be a great mod 100% support

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