I should be moderator because I know alot about the and I am very responsible when it comes to hacking,bad language and things people on the server are not aloud to do.I am sponsor right now and I spen a lot of time on kit pvp and Infection and Op opvp. My gamer tag is silohsmaster. Thank You, Silohsmaster
Alright all seriousness. @silohsmaster you are a new member on the forums still. Be more active on the forums till you're at least active member then try applying again. Also that did not follow the template which you can find under the moderator application section. Become more known, spend more time on the server, and fill out a new application with more info and one in which follows the template provided.
Duplicate Application. Stick to one application, and you can edit your application at any time. Locking and archiving.