I've been scammed a few times, but now I have proof :> The deal, as you'll be able to see in the recordings once I upload them to youtube, was $900,000.00 on opfactions, plus $550 on kitpvp, for $6,500 on skywars. Your ingame name: DanGarn The offender's ingame name: kingkilla619 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming -.- Evidence/screenshots. Will post recording of the entire trade in a bit :D Basically, he said he didn't have perms for /pay (after I paid him everything) and logged off without refunding me my stuff.
Once you get proof, and he gets banned (or however you choose to punish kingkilla619), I will get refunded, right? :OO
Well this took forever. P.s. once he says for us to go in game, it doesn't work, and we just play a game of skywars. Just skip to 5:45 if you don't want to watch the game
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.