Hello, its me, anyways I thought of this new game, here is how it goes. You have to tag one person, and dare them to do something in-game, or irl, and posting a picture or video of it. It cannot be something overly inappropriate, but it can be somewhat inappropriate... cause yea, now for some more ground rules: 1. Do not tag over 2 people, otherwise, post. Deleted. 2. You cannot re-tag people who have already been tagged. 3. You can only give a person 1 dare. No more, no less. 4. Don't dare Noobcrew unless your Cyp, because, its a waste of time, he ain't gonna answer. If you do, post. Deleted. (You can tag Cyp though, only 4 people can tag Cyp, so hurry up!) 5. This is the last rule, do not dare anyone to do something illegal, like do drugs (jk) like curse, or hack. Have Fun
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/forum-game-i-dare-you-to.22593/ ok hm I dare @IN1NJAI to climb up a tree and fall out of it c: and record It
erm I might just Put my phone up on a chair And you'll just see my sims dying in pain While I murder them all but ok challenge accepted c:
I will do this dare. I will record this dare. I may smash my head through the ceiling. IT WILL BE OKAY. I'm saving my opportunity to dare someone for later.