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  • [All Gamemodes] New command/New plugin

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Flarey, Dec 1, 2014.

    1. Flarey

      Flarey Experienced Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Hello, I thought it would be good if we could have a new command pushed in, which allows any player to /prereport. Which will allow some pone to report a hacker. Moderators then have a command to see who has been put (You'lol need a reason too).

      This command will allow players to report people in-game without recording, then this will be forwarded to the moderators which then if that cornet player gets reported, you have extra information.

      Spamming? No, you can put a time limit on it (Last time I checked you could), so you can set it for a certain amount of time so players cannot abuse the command.

      Spamming/spam bot command:

      I think to prevent spam bots and people from spamming a word or phrase. Like every time someone spams it comes up with a command you need to type in chat, e.g. JsAPvqrS and it will change each time. This will prevent people from spamming, using spam bots and sometimes even advertising.

      Auto ban:

      Some servers have auto-ban which allows the server to auto ban people for using any hack clients or hacks, how? It is a plugin which scans any mods you are using when you log on, this will lower the hackers by a lot, also meaning for not so much people leaving and being angry because they died to a hacker. Then, you may ask? Flare, what's the point of the moderators then, good point. They will still do there job but accept ban appeals, help people on the forums and in-game. They will also ban people online and on the forums for glitch ing or duping or doing any other thing than hacking. Personally I sometimes don't like this because then it just gets to all done by the computer. I am suggestioning it which I might not really want, just a lot of people are reporting and saying that people hack.

      5 minuites later, EDITED:

      I think that the auto-ban should be ignored, don't bother about it...

      Thank you, post your suggestions about the three, just remember there suggestions no hate. :)
    2. FearlessCandy

      FearlessCandy Experienced Member

      Jun 10, 2014
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      I support the plug-in idea for an in-game report. That would be extremely useful and a lot easier to report players.
    3. joecobo_

      joecobo_ Experienced Member

      Nov 18, 2014
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      1. It would be abused
      2. Not sure if you can link this across all the servers
      50/50 on this
    4. Daddy

      Daddy Boss Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      I seen the /report on other servers but not for regular members, it was for active members with a rank called Helper then if they were really great they would move onto Moderator.
      They would have the /report for helpers as if it was for Regular Members people would contently spam the command and I like how you said by having a Captcha in a way but there's still ways I believe of bypassing that.

      If that was true then a lot of servers would be using that lol. Now what those "Auto-Ban" Plugins do is basically like NCP ( NoCheatPlus ) once it see so many variables popping up from the same user it will ban them. But sometimes they can be false bans due to lag, and other server/client side issues.

      So do I support your suggestions? Not really as I think they would cause more harm then good. What needs to be done is that Moderators need to be more active within game, About 5 hours ago a player needed a Moderator for help so I went to go look for at least 1. None were on at all at the time on every server that Mineverse has, personally I feel as if that's ridiculous. Anyhow, Good luck with the suggestion [​IMG]
    5. Flarey

      Flarey Experienced Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Thanks, totally agree.
    6. Van

      Van Boss Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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