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  • NA (Updated)(US)bananaman11223's Mod Application(Skyblock & Hellblock)

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Bananurz, Nov 27, 2014.

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    1. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      How old are you?

      • I am 22 years of age.

      Your in-game name:

      • My in-game name is bananaman11223, same as my forum tag.

      What timezone are you in?

      • I am pinpointed in the Eastern Standard Time zone. (EST)

      What country do you live in?

      • I am living happily in the United States of America. (USA)

      What languages do you speak?

      • I have long since been interested in the cultures of the world. Some of the languages I am accustomed to are Spanish, French, Greek, Latin, and of course, English.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Becoming mod is a big deal for me as well as many other users. Me, I am seeking this position to help the server I love dearly. Below will be a list of some traits and attributes that would help me become a successful staff member. I am…

      Honest: Honesty is key in life. Without it, you would become a lost cause and no one would want to trust you. I am a very honest person. I am not afraid to deem a constructive comment or criticism at someone. Honesty has always been one of my strong suits.

      How could this trait help me as a moderator? I think honesty could help me gain respect among the other staff members. I would never be inclined to lie about a situation which would help me straight up with my co-workers. This, would in turn, help the staff team run more effectively.

      Intelligent: Being intelligent if not only what defines you as a staff member, but who it defines you as a person. I like to make good impressions and by being a smart guy, people tend to have a good view of me. My parents and friends always tell me I am very smart and I should pursue a hard major.

      How could this trait help me as a moderator? I think this would benefit me greatly. Being smart means you are able to make ethical choices with not much thought. This could help me with dealing with almost any situation that may come.

      Innovative: I have always been good at creativity and coming up with original ideas. When someone needs a new idea or help on how to deal with something, why not bring your creative side into action?

      How could this trait help me as a moderator? Having an innovative member on the staff team is always a win situation. I love being around people with new ideas. But what I love more is coming up with my own. If there is no specific regulation, I would be inclined to bring my innovative side to the “party”. I would always be happy to share new thoughts.

      Polite: I like to think as myself as a polite person. I think it is quite important to be respectful to all your fellow community and staff members. Being polite will gain you respect which I value from my fellow players.

      How could this trait help me as a moderator? I believe players are more willing to listen to a staff member who is polite and relatable. This means I could leave a player feeling comfortable about the situation and we could resolve it peacefully from there.

      Organized: Whenever an issue comes to hand, I like to deal with it in an orderly fashion. People that are messy when they deal with things, tend to fail in their duty. When I need to help deal with something, that is the time when I put on my intelligence hat and organize a way to deal with the problem at hand.

      How could this trait help me as a moderator? I think being organized can save you a whole lot of time when coming to reports, ban appeals, questions, ect. Being organized means I can do something in a productive way.

      Strict: This tool tends to work both ways. When dealing with a situation, there are times when you need to show authority and that you are in charge. When you are strict, more people are inclined to listen and stop whatever actions that are committing at the time.

      How could this trait help me as a moderator? Being strict will help you deal with domestic situations. I can bring this attitude on to the staff team in order to deal with difficult situations and people.

      Experienced: I would say I've been playing minecraft for about 3 years now. I know everything there is to know about minecraft itself. When I was introduced to Mieneverse, I fell in love to the point where I stayed for over a year. I still enjoy playing and want to give back to the server that has given me so much.

      How could this trait help me as a moderator? I believe I could help players with issues on the forums or simple problems with gaming mechanics. Because I have been playing this game for so long, I believe I can use my experience to help newer people. This includes anyone who needs help.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      • Monday: 4-6 Hours

      • Tuesday: 2-4 Hours

      • Wednesday: 4-6 Hours

      • Thursday: 2-4 Hours

      • Friday: 6-8 Hours

      • Saturday: 10-12 Hours

      • Sunday: 8-10 Hours
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      • For specifics, I joined around January 2014. In that case, I have been playing Mineverse for about 1 year and 4 months.
      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      Since this question wasn't specified in which area I should cover, I will cover 2 of the Mineverse domains.
      • In-game: I have never been banned on the server and never plan to be. I follow and respect the rules the best I can.
      • Forums: Sadly, I have been banned on the forums. Those punishments were taken into account and I never plan to violate a forum rule again. I am very sorry about the rules I have broken. Also, I would like to apologize to CypriotMerkz. Our little scruffle was a big mistake on my part and I am sorry if any offense was taken from it. If anyone wants to go over the details on one of my punishments, feel free to PM me. Most of these situations are far in the past and I would like to forge on from these little infractions.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      I do happen to have to have quite a lot of experience when it comes to Minecraft servers. I have been mod on a few servers as well as administrative positions. Since I would like to prove my experience, I will be covering both!
      • Nuclearcraft: Nuclearcraft was one of the first servers I became staff on. The position I covered was the lead administrator. Since this server was small, it gave me the chance to learn what is expected of this position. It may not be mod, but it taught me many important principles I still use to this day. Some of which, a moderator would need to know and apply. (Player average of 10-25 users)

      • Tarantula-Craft: Tarantula-Craft was one of the servers that was game changing in my Minecraft “carrier”. This is the server that really taught me the value of being a great staff member. I learned a lot and I am glad I was opened to this opportunity. I fulfilled the position of administrator and did so for 6 months until it was shut down due to the corrupt owner. (Player average of 50-75 users)

      • Minebox: As a mod, I was opened to xenforo software and practiced using my powers to enforce the rules. Because the owner thought I was an exceptional moderator, I was then granted administrative permissions. A while after that, the server shut down because the owner didn't have enough funds to run the server any longer. (Player average around 5-15 players)

      • KemslyRPG: This server is still up and running. In fact, we opened the day after easter. We have been doing successfully and I am currently the Owner of the server. I have installed xenforo as my website software. Since then, I have become an expert at this software and know how to use it appropriately. I have been faced with many issues that I had to overcome and I plan on still being of aid to my players.

      Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most)

      These two servers are ones I care dearly about and wish to help thrive if I become a member of the staff team. There are quite a few reasons I have chosen these two servers to be part of my main moderation circle.
      • Skyblock: I have fallen in love with this server and log on for hours each day. I feel I could help this server become a safer environment to the children that play it. I have seen many malicious users that I try my best to report. Even when doing that, more still come which makes me upset because these offenders are ruining the game for the people around them. I don’t this that is fair for the innocent person logging on to play a supposedly peaceful gamemode.

      • Hellblock: I have too, fallen in love with hellblock. Hellblock is like my second home other than skyblock. I love to help players when I can. This server feels like a peaceful environment that sometimes goes bad when no mods are on to aid to users. I do think Hellblock needs more attention and I would be perfectly willing to give it just that.
      Note: I have heard no hellblock mods are needed. If that is the case, I would be fine with just moderating the skyblock gamemode. Hopefully this will clear up some confusion.

      Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
    2. finchy

      finchy Experienced Member

      Oct 25, 2014
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      Support! =)
      Suggestion: Make it just a tad bit more detailed and good luck!
    3. mr rob

      mr rob Experienced Member

      Aug 26, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support C:
    4. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      I don't even know you? Sorry If something I said was rude.
    5. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Sorry if anything came to offense. It won't happen again.
    6. nick ok

      nick ok Well-Known Member

      Apr 27, 2014
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      That is a great application. Support.
      - Active
      - Kind
      - Mature
      Good luck ;)
    7. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      No Support.
      You cause a lot of arguments and you don't act very mature for someone who is 21 years old, especially insulting players who are much less younger than you.
    8. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      If you read my app I said I have moved on from my past and I have not been in any arguments recently. You have not had any first hand accounts of me doing this recently. STOP dwelling on the past and move on. I have, now its your turn. Sorry if your offended by my wrongdoing but I have learned from it and it won't happen again. Thanks for the reply though. It means a lot coming from a WKM. Thanks, I'm learning from these comments.
    9. BeepBoop

      BeepBoop Experienced Member

      Jul 5, 2014
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      100% support!
    10. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      Become more active for my support.
    11. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Well I am an active member ;). Anyways thanks for the feedback I appreciate it. Ill work on putting more time into the forums.
    12. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Support great app :)
    13. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you everyone!
    14. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      No support, You happen to be extremely rude, disrespecting children younger then you.

      You also call people out on things and hold grudges which is not the true act of a Moderator.
    15. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Hold grudges? I honestly don't have any right now and I don't remember insulting any children. You guys keep bringing back stuff from the past. Its kinda annoying to do that because you both have made mistakes bigger then me YET still hate on me for something so little or random. Rating a mod app dumb is a true act of inferiority. Thanks for responding though, it means a lot.
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    16. King_Boweman

      King_Boweman Experienced Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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    17. Skylanderdavid

      Skylanderdavid Well-Known Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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    18. CypriotSmasher

      CypriotSmasher Experienced Member

      Oct 8, 2014
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      *sings* nooo supportt!
    19. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Why is that? Is it because I called you out on your griefing? If not, tell me so I can work on it.
    20. Van

      Van Boss Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Try to only make 1 application not 2. Everyone have the same problem. Anyway your information are good so support.
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