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  • Respected Moderators.

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Vampiric, Nov 17, 2014.

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    1. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Alright, so, let's be clear about this thread before I get comments/ratings for it, this thread is:
      NOT favoring Moderators, it's appreciating the ones I feel are put to a higher standard, and live up to that.
      NOT meant to be an argument, or a discussion/flame war
      NOT a place to insult/demean Moderators/Staff
      So, with that said, I would like to make this thread to appreciate the staff I see being put through extra challenges and going the extra mile doing their job, I thank those people, and I believe you should as well, so I would like if you would post the Moderators names that you feel should be appreciated in this thread(As all Moderators should be, but these are just the few I feel I need to appreciate)

      @ScoFu13 First, I would like to appreciate the highest ranked Moderator on the team, ScoFu, since I joined this community I've seen you as a nice, mature, helpful individual, I'm glad you can be a part of the staff team, and happy with how great of a job you've done, even though you are extremely busy, you still find so much time to help out the server and make sure things are being handled accordingly, great job.

      @Glaadiator I've seen you around the community a lot, mostly recently, and I can safely say you're one of the most player-interactive Staff members, you are kind to players, you are active on all of the servers, you handle reports/appeals well, you're truly one of the greatest Staff members I have ever seen, keep up the good work, and I hope to see you often in the future.

      @HyperPigman Alright, Hyper, I see you active on every single server, and you're knowledgeable, helpful, mature, funny, active, and a great person to talk to as well as see moderating, I don't have all that much to say about you, but you've been an amazing member of this community, great job.

      @rachetclanks I haven't known you personally all that long, but I have seen you in multiple communities and you're helpful, active, mature, and a great asset to every place you're in, you're doing a great job as Moderator and I hope to see more of you in the future.

      @Chloyybear4ever I see you on Prison and KitPvP a lot, you're funny, active, interactive with players, you handle things accordingly, and I don't ever see you slip up, you're a model member of the community, and a great person to be around, thanks for doing your job so well, and I hope to get to know you better in the future.

      @PopIs_MyLife Yes, you haven't been a Staff member that long, but I believe you're doing a great job, at the first couple weeks of your moderating career, people gave you a lot of hate/reports, and you handled that extremely well, you're also a great friend who I've known for a long time, but you don't favor friends, or anybody over players, I admire that, and I know you're having a tough time adjusting, but I hope you stay with the staff team for a long time, good job.

      @FadedChristi Recently I've begun to notice your extreme kindness and sincerity in your job, you're always there for players, whether you're in a bad/good mood, and always willing to get whatever job you're assigned(Which you do incredibly well) done. You are an amazing Mod, community member, and you are an asset to us as a whole, the little things people might not notice you take care of, thanks for serving Mineverse greatly, and I hope you do for a long time in the future.

      That's all the appreciations I'm going to make as of now, I might edit more in depending on whether I see some others I should really appreciate, but please, if you can ever think of Staff that help out the server an extreme amount(As many do), please post them here and give an appreciation, and thanks to all the people stated above, you've really helped this community a lot, and I hope you stay with it.

      Ex-Staff I appreciate:
      @Firo3000 You've been a member of this community a long time, ever since I've known you you've helped me out, you make tons of reports to help the server, you help out in any way possible throughout the community, and I respect that you re-applied, I hope that you are deemed fit to be a member of the staff team once again, good luck.

      @Grayson While this may seem rude, but you left the community, I understand your reasoning for it, and that it actually helped the community and staff team when you did, I'm sorry you had to go, and I know you won't be coming back, but I hope you get to have a great life, you've helped many of us, may life help you.

      @Pile_of_Butts You were a great Mineverse Moderator along with Skyblock FM(Forum Mod), you always helped out, I'm sorry that you had to leave the community after all the work you've done for it, but I hope you come back some day, and even possibly re-apply, you did a great job, and you make the best of situations possible, good luck in life if you don't come back, but I hope you do.

      @MrParkourGuy I apologize for not adding you sooner, but I hope this makes up for it, out of both the staff team and pool of ex-staff members, you are one of the most respected people I look up to, you speak your mind, but you make sure not to be biased in any situation, you make sure what you say is the truth, and that you aren't afraid of saying what has to be said, you were both a great staff member and an excellent member of this community, I hope you stay with it for a long time, and return when the time is right to the staff team, thanks for being a great Mod.
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      Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
    2. omie2001

      omie2001 Experienced Member

      Jul 11, 2014
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      I sooooooooooooo agree
    3. Broken

      Broken Experienced Member

      Apr 5, 2014
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    4. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      you dont appreciate me wow okay i see

      Oh hey, a thread that's not completely about kissing as much as possible, and is about decent respect!
      Good job.
    5. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      Wow you technically hate Firo. Sorry this might be like a flame war thread.
    6. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      How do you get that from that?
    7. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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    8. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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