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  • My super duper awesome fandabbydosey mod app.

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by The_Bug_O_Doom, Oct 28, 2014.

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    1. The_Bug_O_Doom

      The_Bug_O_Doom Active Member

      Oct 4, 2014
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      HELLO my friends (Even if you aren't) to my mod app. As you can see I'm using bold to make myself awesome. I'd like to talk a moment to those people saying not enough detail and stuff. I'm trying my best. I've only made two other mod apps in my life. So give me a break if its not like the 'up all night mod app maker' So now that thats off my chest, here it is.
      My name: Percy David (Thats my middle name not my last name)
      How old: 14 (I just turned it in July)
      My timezone: Great Britain (Scotland to be precise)
      My country: ^^ Up there.
      Languages: English (Scottish accent) and little bit of french but don't ask me to talk to any of your french friends.
      Why I think I should become mod: Well basically I'd (or try to) help everyone out. But not hackers or any nasty people. I'm mostly on it all the time, I hardly ever swear or any nasty language. People always say if I'm an admin or something so it'd be handy to actually help them. I'd be a great mod (or try to) because I am very polite and usually nice (not if you get on my angry side :D) I also like helping people out and I know everyone is posting mod apps but I wish I could help people. Since someone is complaining (jk) I'll add more detail on this. I'd mainly sort out small things, leave the big things for the admins. Don't get me wrong I'd try my best at solving everything. I'm not just doing this to get fame. I want to do it so that Mineverse is a much better/cleaner server. Alicee_Palacee told me to put up this app and I realized I could try and help out on this server, it'd just be great to help people in need out.
      How long can I be on everyday: I usually come on after School (School ends for me at 3:20pm) So it really depends if I'm doing something. Usually I could be on for ages but sometimes I'm in a rush to do homework or something but usually I can be on for about 3:30pm till about 5 or 6pm.
      How long have I been playing Mineverse for: Wow. Has to be for about two or three years, can't believe its been that long.
      Have I ever been banned: No I have not. I'm always a good boy. Unless you count always as in NEVER EVER! (Just kidding)
      Do I have any experience as a mod: Only on one occasion on this server I think it was called Dream World or something. I was the third highest mod rank, the admins loved me. But there was one admin that didn't like me. (Not naming him for obvious reasons) but he got really annoyed with me because I was helping this guy he didn't like out. So he ip-banned me from the server. How cruel.
      The two servers I'd like to moderate: Creative (Definetley) and Infection because they're the servers I love to play with my friends. The only thing I don't like on Creative is the amount of spam you see. So I'd gladly sort that out.
      A little story from me: Well a true one: There was this girl I used to fancy (Not gonna name her for obvious reasons) in my school. By gawlay she was pretty, I saw her hanging out at my year's social area, so I walked up to her as sexily as I could and said 'Hey, come here often' I thought I was being very smart so I leaned against a wall, or so I thought, it happened to be this s6 pupil who was ripped as a buffalo and as he felt something on his back I was pretty much dead. I got walloped (punched for you posh folk) right on the side of the jaw and everyone laughed. So lesson learned: Don't mistake Jocks for walls. (lawl that was crap story)

      Thank y'all for reading.
      Last edited: Oct 28, 2014
    2. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      Add a ton more detail for my support.
    3. ~KingBwol~

      ~KingBwol~ Experienced Member

      Jan 20, 2014
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      Add a lot of detail and PLEASE lower the font size and mix the colors up a bit!
      good luck! ;)
    4. kirbyo32

      kirbyo32 Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      You Need A LOT More Detail and space out your Questions and answers

      and you are only a new member try to get to Well known Member to get mod ;)

      No support as of now
    5. The_Bug_O_Doom

      The_Bug_O_Doom Active Member

      Oct 4, 2014
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      AlmaRobb Lol yes it has so shut up.
    6. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      It's existed since February 2013 I think o.O
    7. ~KingBwol~

      ~KingBwol~ Experienced Member

      Jan 20, 2014
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      NO it has not! The server has been up since feb. 2013!
    8. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      no support i can't keep place in your app and you are a little bit demanding.
    9. HotBritishNoodle

      HotBritishNoodle Experienced Member

      Jul 31, 2014
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      Detail, colour changes and format needs to be improved then it can be a "Super duper awesome app"
      Good luck!
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