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  • TiggyX19 FINAL mod app

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by TiggyX19, Oct 3, 2014.

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    1. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      First off, id like to say thanks to noobcrew for making this Awsome, amazing server. Also, since everyone knows I need to improve my act on this server, you will see in this that ill try to change my ways.
      Name: My name is TiggyX19, and my bday is 2-3-4. You might think I am young for the job, but I am very responsible.
      Timezone: I am in the eastern daylight timezone
      Contry: USA
      Here is some other additional stuff before i finish the template.
      Why ill make a great mod:I have committed myself to changing my ways in game and also being more active, so I can get support on this Self-made application.But since you see I'm only in 5th grade, you will only see me around 4:00- 7:00 on weekdays and 12:00-7:00 on weekends. I have never taken authority partially of a server!. So if this application works, I want to take a tour before accepting the job.
      Personality: Usually i am nice at school or other places I am required to be well behaved. And now i realize that i need to add Mineverse to one of those places. I am really sensitive to words that other people say, and ill try to not let that take over my job. I will try to be more sincere to my fellow staff members and other players. Because the golden rule says: treat other the way you want to be treated. I don't want my feelings hurt so I will not hurt others feelings.
      How Dicipline will work:For swearing; if I catch people swearing directly, Ill mute them. If they choose to do bukkit, then its a ban; They have to appeal here.
      Scamming: Everyone knows its a ban.Honesty
      I will always tell the truth even if it will hurt me or others. Example: Lets say someone accidentally drops their sharp 30 sword while fighting and I take it. If they ask me if I took and want it back, I will tell them I took and give it back to them. This is how I will change to act.
      I can be trusted while making trades, telling stories, etc. Example: If me and someone else (maybe @Imported_Zebra) are making a trade on op (sharp 30 for a stack of 64 gapples)I will give the sharp 30 to him. If he doesn't give me the gapples (he does give me the gapples though) I will still record him then ban him. Even though I had a past of scamming, I will still change my ways
      I'm not just a boring ol' guy. While doing my duties as a moderator, I can still have fun. Example: If people are joking around telling jokes (appropriate jokes;)) just because I am a mod doesn't mean I can't have fun too. I will join and still earn friends throughout the community.
      I care for others. Matter fact, two or three times since I have wrote this mod application someone has said to the community "I suck at pvp" or "I need to get better at my pvp skills. I suck at it". I don't think I can tolerate this, but if I get picked as mod, ill try.
      I am very bright. I can make my own decisions and plans and more than likely, I will succeed;). Example: Lets say that I am trying to make a trade with somebody. If somebody is trying to take it I can make a wise plan to successfully trade without it getting taken.
      I am very focused when I have a task to do. Example: If I have a goal to get a friend of mine a stack of 64 gapples or a kit god. I will keep my mind on that mission and in the end, he will have what I owe him.
      I respect others and treat them the way I want to be treated. It would take a lot and I mean A LOT. To make me snap now. In 1st - 3rd grade, I got angry easily. Now those anger issues are gone. If you show respect to me I will show respect to you.
      I have a strong heart. If I think something is sad, I will cry. I have strong emotions and I am a pretty sensitive guy. Real Example: In 5th grade, learning about segregation made me cry. I felt so sad for the way the black people were being treated.
      I will never give up. I will try, try, and try again until i get it just right. Example: If I keep failing at enderpearling up a tree, I will keep on trying.
      I will not talk about anybody behind their backs and do what others expect of me, even if they are not looking.
      I am brave. Put me up to the test and I will do it. That's if it is reasonable.
      What language do i speak: I speak english thank u.

      How long can i be active on the server every day:On weekdays, 4:00-7:00
      How long have you been playing mineverse: i have been playing for about 1 year now.
      Have you ever been banned in the past? Yes i have on 5 servers. Sorry.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator: Yes since i am @x_Jayboy_x's brother(younger), i am also a Administrator on a small server.

      My conclusion: Now, I know this looks like @x_Jayboy_x's mod app, but I made changes. Its like in skincraft where you can use some skin and change it to the way you like it.
    2. Savvy

      Savvy Experienced Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      You've made way too many apps...
      Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
    3. Chibi

      Chibi Boss Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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      Use colours.
      Space out each questions.
      Get to know the community.
      Good luck.
    4. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      No support.
      Your first applications were a copy of mine, and you're quite immature, in my opinion.
    5. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Color is not a factor in a mod app read how to judge a applacant
    6. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      I want to change
    7. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      No Support, Good Luck ;)
    8. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

    9. x_Jayboy_x

      x_Jayboy_x Active Member

      Sep 20, 2014
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      Dang. U got it hard lil bro
    10. Lockdown

      Lockdown Guest

      That is not going to increase your chances at all.

      I'm going to put a few cons here:
      1. You didn't fill out the full template.
      2. Your application is nice, but a lot of it is a lie.
      3. You seem like a nice person, but you are not ready for power yet. Lack of trust is a factor here.
      Conclusion: 50 percent support.
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