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  • Reporting Mods...Please Read.

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Gemmalove, Oct 16, 2014.

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    1. Jaune-arc

      Jaune-arc Active Member

      Oct 16, 2014
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      Almost every mod report here I've seen has been from hasty conclusions. Give the mods a break, guys. They have lives, just like every other living thing (excluding neckbeards).
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    2. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Please open your ears and listen. Im sory if im the first to break this to you.
      This is a JOB. Not a hobby. And again, if you read, you would read you could step down and straight out your priorities.
    3. Rainbow Dash

      Rainbow Dash Well-Known Member

      Apr 20, 2014
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      Agreed you explained what I was thinking mind reader lol
    4. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      For all those haters. You do all understand that most of us will have our privileges taken away if we don't do good in school. Yes this is our job. For example, my family rule is, if I don't do well in school. Then I'll get grounded or in trouble and I won't get to play anymore. And I'm sure it's like that for a few people. If I do well in school, then I can play more and help out more. So you do have to realize that if we spend most of our time on the Internet.. Then bad grades will come and then poof some of us will be gone.. All I'm trying to say is that school really does contribute to how we spend our time online. >.<
    5. mindsensation

      mindsensation Experienced Member

      May 27, 2014
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      Let's keep this on topic, shall we? Anyways, well stated, Emma (Gemma). :)
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    6. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Let me start off by saying Gemma, this is amazingly written and completely took the words out of my mouth. I love hearing this from another mods point of view that isn't a moderator on this server. 10/10. <33

      Secondly, @Grayson - considering there are 58 reports in the section which isn't too bad ATM, I'd say that section is doing pretty well. As I've mentioned before, the people you listed are not the only mods that cleared the section. Remember that...

      But that doesn't matter anyway. Lastly, for everyone calling this a job, it isn't.

      a paid position of regular employment.
      "jobs are created in the private sector, not in Washington"

      Last time I checked we're not paid (not that I care) So no, this would not qualify as a job. This is more of volunteering to moderate the server.

      If this is going to turn into a hate thread, where people are constantly arguing with each other, I will be forced to close that. And I don't want it to happen.
      Keep the arguments on the down low please.
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    7. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Then i shall accept your apology, delete my posts, and go work on p.1 of weekly update.
    8. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      It's work. It has to be treated as such.
      There are and should be passes, but there is a limit to that. Some people have school, yes, perfectly understandable. If you're hired to work, or volunteer work, you have to be able to make time. Other servers shouldn't be an excuse at all. That's one of the reasons a demote is put into action, which I find funny. Respect isn't gained, it's earned.

      Either way, I have my opinions, you have yours.

      I feel like that cranky old person that yells at everyone with loud opinions and says it was better in the old days.
    9. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      Also, a job is a task or a duty, paid or not. Volunteer work, maybe, but a job all the same.
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    10. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Another follow-up if I may...

      For every relatively new moderator here, they are just getting into the jist of things. We don't expect them to do 20 reports a day as we and obviously they are in school/work. A wise moderator once told me to do at least one report a day. If you're at least coming online and doing something that contributes to moderating, you're doing ok. Not extraordinary, but doing something. School is an excuse but only to an extent. Some old moderators were aware of their limits and knew when they had to resign. I don't think any moderator we have atm is stressed and unable to even come on the forums to the point where they have to resign.
      Basically, we know our limits, at least I hope we do. If any mod sees another one slacking just for the hell of it, we will obviously say something.
    11. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Volunteer work is considered work, and work can be considered as a task.
      Tasks are often considered jobs, so, if I am correct, I can't say that it is simply a job.

      There are still reports in the report section, and I never said we were the only ones.
      I said when those Moderators were Moderators at the same exact time the Report section was cleaned, as the older staff team actually dedicated time into them.

      It's stupid how Moderators are always considered the goody goodies. Just because we work for the server, does not mean they should get all of the respect in the world. It's simply a reminder, and they take it offensively. This is just ridiculous how people are treating this. It's just a report. The staff did something wrong in the players eyes, and he reported it. It's not the end of the world.
    12. Terrick

      Terrick Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      It becomes a problem when they start pushing away personal problems and hidden inactivity threads in the staff section and think they're ignoring their work on the server.
      Which nearly every one of them will do, and start making things up as they go to make the report stay alive to get the person demoted due to some weird biased problem they have with said person.
      That'll never change, people are just stupid.

      The reports being there can be due to many things; waiting for proof, pending mutes, etc..
      Just because you were there and things got "dealt with" all the time doesn't mean the same thing will occur day by day.
      I know personally not EVERY report was done the second it went up, there were plenty that were pending or still being talked about off-thread in staff chats etc, discussed between mods privately to get a better response.

      People never consider the outside chats and private chats/staff section to be the reason why they're being "ignored" for a short while as the mods come up with a more justified response to a report, or to actually examine the evidence provided to get a better punishment.

      Logic would say they would understand, but alas, they do not, as they don't see that end.
      Same goes with Taylors case, nobody sees that end except me and cyp. We don't care to bring these things to the public eye, because think about it this way, you can report her all you wish, but in the end, who deals with that report? Exactly.
    13. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      I'm not willing to argue with people who will not look a situation through every perspective.
      Sorry. :)
    14. Terrick

      Terrick Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      I've seen it from every perspective, the final outcome is always the same, people will always complain, become enlightened on the situation, then someone else will complain about the same thing.
      That's why things stay private between limited people.
      This isn't, and will never be an argument, simply me telling you how it works.
    15. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      @PopIs_MyLife Ignore the people who report you bud <3 They dont know how hard being a mod is! Your amazing and a great friend we need to play skywars again more! Your actove kind and Nice! same to you @kitkat6605910
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    16. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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    17. Christi

      Christi Boss Member

      Dec 1, 2013
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      We're not perfect. As much as we want to, we can't dedicate every waking hour of our lives to this. Maybe put yourself in the moderator's shoes before reporting them. They're new. They're still learning. Please consider that. How would you like to be reported on the first day of a new job?

      You know, we're only human. Consider this. We're people, we have feelings. Just because we are moderators doesn't give you the right to bash and blame and bring us down for every little mistake. I hope you guys understand that we try to help. We really do.

      Gemma, thank you so much for making this thread. <3
      • Like Like x 1
    18. RachetSenpai

      RachetSenpai Boss Member

      Nov 26, 2013
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      Thanks so much Gemma, the community really needed this. <3
    19. Skyttles

      Skyttles Active Member

      Aug 8, 2014
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    20. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      I'll reply to all these long ones one section at a time.

      Almost everyone can agree Minverse is understaffed. We can't blame the lack of things getting done on the mods when they are working at a perfectly average or above average rate, and the rate of reports is just simply greater than what the number of moderators we have can handle.

      Yes, new mods tend to pick up the slack, they're eager to work. Once everyone settles down, a rhythm will appear, I agree.

      I really don't think this "slack" can be blamed on the moderators activity level necessarily. Sure, maybe once in a while they have free time, and they just don't feel like getting on the forums or Mineverse, when they could have been moderating, therefore they're not working hard enough in you guys' minds. But the reality is that they have a huge workload and a huge server to moderate, and they have a heck of a job in front of them. They can't be perfect. And I would rather have more moderators that do less EACH PERSON wise, then have people who are literally wasting their lives on this game and moderating all day every day.

      Take a look at that..20. 20 Moderators is what we have. For such a huge server. Sure, an hour or two a day doesn't sound like much, but I'll put my schedule as an example for how it actually can be a lot, especially for someone in high school.
      I wake up at 6:00 am, have no chance to do anything in the morning but get ready.
      I have school from 8:05 to 3:05 every day, Monday-Friday.
      All I can get on during school is the forums.
      I get home at about 4:00.
      I have all Honors classes, which amounts to a LOT of homework.
      4 to 6 I am usually doing homework, or studying.
      I eat dinner at around 6 or 7.
      This leaves me with not much time to play online games.
      Especially if I'm volunteering after school.
      Now, my schedule isn't the point here, I'm not a MV mod. But I'm showing how one to two hours a day sometimes can't happen if you plan on doing well in school, or having any sort of life.

      I agree it isn't hard to log off if you're AFK. That's a legitimate request, and something I'm very guilty of on skyblock :p

      Next up...

      They were asked to mod here because Cyp wanted people he could trust. It was incredibly short notice, and an emergency fix for the understaffing problem here. They were chosen for a reason, they chose to enter this community, and to try to help, and all I've seen them getting is a crapload of hate. Try being thankful that they're trying to help you guys here, with other servers to mod as well.

      If being so critical of every mod on the team is "moving on" maybe you should re-evaluate.

      Of course people deserve respect, why can't anyone get any around here? If these reports are a reminder, why not tell them in PM, or on Skype. Let them know that some people think they are slacking, say it nicely. Or if you just have to report them, be professional and have a legitimate reason, something you've thought over.

      I don't think the mods here expect people to respect them for the tag, it's quite the opposite from what I've seen. Being a moderator here is like signing up for hatred from all angles.
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