I have been working on this for a few days because when I heard factions has become (OP factions). Due to people duplicating, glitching items. Anyway, hope you like it! ;) Whole Spawn: http://gyazo.com/b54262344712813b42f4fb852aac7f39 Spawn point: http://gyazo.com/399c5b6f8c747e05224882152247a322 Enchanting/Anviling/Ranks: http://gyazo.com/b1d58e20d476b147eb965249dceb92e1 Shop: http://gyazo.com/dd7e1d763972d6bdf4e23b90f6de6483 http://gyazo.com/6d550b817e3981dbc2141987cb21568f http://gyazo.com/72d65caf4faef17683915c1b6af3fd50 Hope you like the map. :p Thank you! ~ Flare <3
No support. -It's simple. -Too small. If you could work on the size, and creativity I'd look alright.
Before the server reset, Cypriot be half of everyone on mineverse, please be willing too add more ram on mineverse factions? Every once in a while it seems to lag like crazy. I don't just speak for myself, I know a lot of people who wants more dedicated ram/storage. EDIT: Factions is actually the most laggy gm on mineverse. I feel like factions doesn't get watched as much compared too all the other mineverse gm's. Anyways I hope more mods would watch over factions, also find a solution to the lag please?
its berry cute <3 but i sorta would like one thats not to hellish like but a bit more minecraft original support. BUMP