Hello everyone! I decided to make another introduction explaining how I found Mineverse and more random things I thought everyone should know. Alright, here we go! My name is Aaron. I am 14 years old and I have been playing Mineverse for a little over a year. I started off on KitPvP with some friends then slowly moved to factions. I fell in love and began to make a ton of friends. Many people ask me why I came up with NASA. The answer is found on a server over 2 years ago. A few of my friends wanted to play factions on a "non-explosive" server (meaning all explosions were turned off). There was a faction called NASA and they owned most of spawn and had massive death pits for noobs to fall in. Since we were starting to 'take over spawn' on Mineverse, I changed our faction name to NASA. At the beginning of my time on factions, I was very powerful, but as soon as it reset, I started to get less and less powerful. I soon went on prison after it reset and decided that was the new game I would play. I was the third person to get free and the second to get citizen. I was free before the free world was even made, so all I could do was gloat about my new fabulous pink name. I became guard after a few months and helped the community to the best of my ability. I then got 'money-hungry' and did something very stupid. I was demoted. My demotion was the saddest thing to ever happen to me on a game. I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart a million times. After I was demoted, I took a little break. When I came back, I was extremely bored, so I kept testing the moderators and eventually got banned multiple times from the lobby. Everything after that point in time is boring and I don't feel it should be posted. Ever since my demotion, I had a thought in the back of my mind that I would come back and hopefully show that what I did was my past and I have changed since then. If I am given the chance again, I will do it to the best of my ability. Thanks for reading.
Oh crap! Dude thanks for reminding me! I knew I forgot something. Thanks again dude! I owe you, dude! Don't forget that! I owe you! Thank you so much for telling me! Thank you!