Thorraks, I am SO happy you finally applied! I have known you a while and can say your personality is great. You are very active in game and on forums. Your English has improved dramatically over the last few months and I am so glad to have been here to help you with that. You know the rules and are helpful. You have my support. Best of luck to you. SUPPORT!!
Thorraks, you are a devoted prison player. You are always active, friendly; I know you might not be the most social person since you do speak French and your English isn't that good, but I never seen you disrespect others. So by that meaning, support, good luck!
Thorraks, When I made you Moderator on my server you showed a ability that told me you can make it. Now you help me with anything I ask and help other people. I believe you can make it to be a Guard. You have my Support all the way man.
Thank you so much pile :D i hope we will always stay friend i love you so much Thank you:p Thank you thank you lukey! thank fire you are a great mod! Thank you kirby:> Tank you chris you are a great friend!