50% Support. You have been inactive for a very long time. Also you'll need more experience on the forums.
Hey guy's i want to say thank you guy's so much for all this support I'm really loving you guy's and what you have done for me and i know i haven't been on for a long time on the forums but i have been playing a lot on mine verse and i just want to say NoobCrew and cyopa (sorry if i spelled your name wrong) thank you for making this wonderful server this truly is amazing and what you guy's have done. now i would like to talk about not being on the forums for a long time i had a problem logging in and stuff trying to fix but never worked. so the only computer that let's me on the forum's is my mom's Computer (i know that's weird) and i haven't been lucky to get on at all. Now a lot of you may be like mad or like stuff i don't know but yes i am very sorry and hopefully this won't happen again. but any way's guy's like i said thank you for all this support and just you guy's are just the best to have as bro's and friend's and just like word's that i can't even say because your all so amazing. well Thank you for being my mate's and i hope one day if you make a mod application you will get ton's of support like i have this very day i made this application. Thank you guy's this really mean's a lot to me. -Swatchmen <3 :D
No support. I see you in oppvp. You seem to be rude. Also I asked you many times to stop talking about my past. Yet you have to spamm it. Fix your grammar too please. Dislike this if you like. It would show everyone your immunity. Good luck tho