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  • Luna's Mod Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Lunawolf2754, Sep 6, 2014.


    Do you think I'm 'Moderator Material'?

    1. Yes!

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    2. No

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    3. Maybe...

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    1. Lunawolf2754

      Lunawolf2754 Active Member

      Sep 6, 2014
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      Hey guys, and thanks for taking the time to read my application! I decided to make this application because I feel that while Mineverse doesn't necessarily have a lack of moderators, it couldn't hurt to have more. Also, whenever I see someone breaking rules, no matter how big or small, I always wish that there was something I could do about it. Sometimes there are no mods on to deal with it, and sometimes it's just that I have no proof, but I feel that I could really help make the Mineverse server a better place.

      Now, onto my application :3

      How old are you?
      I am 14 years old.
      I know, I know, you're probably thinking "oh wow, she's young, she's not going to be able to handle the responsibilities of being a moderator," but that is far from the truth. I have met some 18+ year olds who couldn't have been more immature, and some 10-12 year olds who were some of the most mature people I'd ever met.
      I like to thing of myself as a fairly mature person. Sure, when I'm with my friends, I like to joke around with them, but when needed, I can be very, very serious.
      So please, do NOT overlook me because of my age.

      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is Lunawolf2754. I know that mine craft is planning on adding the ability to change your name, but I'm not planning on it. It would be too confusing for both me and any of my friends.

      What timezone are you in?
      I live in the Eastern Standard Timezone.

      What country do you live in?
      I live in the United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English. I'm also going into my 4th year of Spanish, so I'm able to understand a good amount of Spanish too.
      While some people just use google translate, and I admit that for Spanish homework, it can sometimes save you, but for communicating, it's rubbish. Google Translate cannot properly translate exactly from one language to another.
      For example, I'm going to type the sentence "Hello my name is Luna and this is my application to become a moderator" into many layers google translate and tell you what it says.
      So, after typing in the sentence above, and translating it through layers of Google Translate, I got the sentence, "Hello to my application for my name is in it, and the moon to control them."
      That is why I do not trust Google Translate.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      There are many reasons that I think I would make a good moderator. I will go more in depth below, but just to list the reasons, it's because I think myself to be mature, kind, fair, sympathetic, and helpful.

      I like to think of myself as a very mature person. Although of course I like to joke around and be funny with my friends, I can go from 'joking Luna' to 'serious Luna' with just one comment. I will not tolerate rule-breakers at all. I will not make exceptions for friends, donors, high-rankers, or people who 'didn't know.' I don't accept "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that," as an excuse. When you enter a server, you are responsible for yourself, and you must be sure to read and follow the rules. It should be one of the first things a person does when they enter a server or a game for the first time.

      I am a kind person. When I talk to people, whether they're my friends, teachers, parents, or just a random stranger that I'm just trying to get by, I always try my best to be kind. I do my best to not lose my temper, ever when I do get frustrated with someone. No matter how angry I am, I do my best to keep my words calm and kind, always trying to be polite. Just because you might not know someone, or you are never going to meet someone and have no reason to be kind, when you're on the internet, you never know who you're actually speaking to, so you might as well be kind.

      Everyone's probably had someone tell you "life's not fair" which, for the most part, is very true. Some people are rich, and some are poor. Some have everything they've ever wanted, and some have only a penny to their name. In the real world, fairness isn't always something that can be achieved, but on Minecraft, I feel that fairness is something that everyone should get. That's why, when people ask moderators to "give me op" or "give me diamond armor," moderators can't, no matter how much they want to, because it just wouldn't be fair. If I were a moderator, I would stick by this. Even if they were my best friend, I wouldn't give them the best kit there is, or enchanted diamond armor, because it would be abusing my moderator powers.

      I have been told before that I am very sympathetic. When someone is hurting, I not only feel bad for them, but I feel their pain, and I wish them only the best. If someone was griefed, or someone used hacks against them, I would remember what it was like to be griefed, and I would do whatever I possibly could to help them.

      Being a moderator means not only that you must punish rule-breakers, but that you also must help people who need it, whether they simply don't understand how something works, or they have a question. Even though I'm not a moderator, I still answer peoples questions when I can, and if I don't know the answer, I find someone who does. Everyone was new at one point, and I remember how helpful some of the people were when I first started.

      So that's why I feel that I would make a good moderator.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      On weekdays, I'm active pretty much all day after 3:30 PM EST, and I stay active until around 12 AM EST.
      On weekends, I'm active pretty much all day. I get on early in the morning and I stay on until late at night.

      Of course, this could always change. Some days, I might have family over, or something might come up and I won't be able to come on, but I still consider myself a very active person.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I've not been playing Mineverse long, maybe about 2 months or so. I discovered it because I was very active on Noobcrew's other server, Skyblock. Ever since I discovered it, I've been playing Minverse non-stop.
      Even though I haven't been playing long, that doesn't mean that I can't be a good moderator. I'm a fast learner, so anything I don't know, I can easily find out.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I used to run my own server with my friends where I was a mod. Even though they were my friends, I didn't let them get away with anything. I temp banned each of them many times. Just because someone is my friend does not mean I will let them misbehave.
      I've also been moderators on other websites before.

      Have you ever been banned before on Mineverse?
      Yes, actually, I have, but it was a mix-up and was quickly solved. Long story short, they accidentally banned me instead of the person who was supposed to be banned.

      For more info on my 'banning,' click here.

      Thank you everyone for reading this! If any of you did happen to read all of this, then THANK YOU :3. Please comment and let me know if there's anything I can improve on!

      I also just quickly want to the SomeGuy (AKA Guyp196) for introducing me to Mineverse, and just for being such a great friend.

      Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    2. 196

      196 Boss Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      Needs some more detail, especially about why you think you should be a mod and such. Otherwise, good luck.

      None of those were even for legit reasons :t: :t:

    3. Lunawolf2754

      Lunawolf2754 Active Member

      Sep 6, 2014
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      Hey, some of them were legit reasons. Don't pretend to be innocent.
    4. Savvy

      Savvy Experienced Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Good luck!! :D
    5. pokemaniac01

      pokemaniac01 Guest

    6. Lunawolf2754

      Lunawolf2754 Active Member

      Sep 6, 2014
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      Thanks all of you who are supporting me :3 I really appreciate it.
    7. VaMeSa123

      VaMeSa123 Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Support :)
    8. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Support, good luck
    9. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support.. :D
    10. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      Very detailed application.
      Best of luck to you!
    11. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      Support :D
    12. Lunawolf2754

      Lunawolf2754 Active Member

      Sep 6, 2014
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      Thanks for all of the support guys :3
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