Send an email to [email protected] providing sufficient evidence that you have purchased the rank. Please be patient in the process. Thank you.
We need the actual proof that you bought the rank. You need to send @CypriotMerks or @Noobcrew the order number and the email confirming you bought the rank by emailing - [email protected]
Please stop commenting, as it states in the rules that you are not allowed to comment in the "Help" section.] @finn e-b, what is your IGN?
@finn e-b go online and take a screenshot of you without the rank, which should be now, Then gather that screenshot and that screenshot of your rank and you without the rank, And send a email to [email protected] with those pictures
Please inform us within 48 hours if your problem has been resolved. If not resolved yet, we'll look into it, if resolved, this thread will be archived.