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  • [SB] BallisticBIZCUT Griefing/Killing [Pile][Banned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by Bananurz, Aug 29, 2014.

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    1. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Bananaman11223
      2. BallisticBIZCUT
      3. Griefing
      Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 2.11.35 PM.png Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 2.11.06 PM.png Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 2.10.53 PM.png Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 2.10.43 PM.png
    2. BallisticBIZCUT

      BallisticBIZCUT Active Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Proof that i hit this? I was there yes.I didnt hit it just becuase i was holding a sword
    3. BallisticBIZCUT

      BallisticBIZCUT Active Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      There were other people there. Don't try to get me in trouble for something i didn't do because u "Don't like me". this isn't reliable or True proof!
    4. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 2.10.43 PM.png
      Your stupid apparently. You admitted to it in chat AND it shows a screenshot of you killing the sheep with your enchanted fire aspect sword. This is VERY valid evidence. Enough to get you banned. Yep you came equipped as-well. Full Iron Armor and a sword to kill my sheep. Don't even lie idiot. You killed it even said it in chat. I don't report to waste my time. You obviously did It to. *Man with sword just repelled backwarrds*. *Sheep Next to him dead*. Hmm seems pretty liable to me. Everyone knows you did it to I have 2 witnesses that will back me up. So don't even try it kid. I report with a FULL purpose not to attempt to get a guy banned that did nothing wrong. I had NO problem with you and never knew about you before this. Thanks for the BS excuse to. Pretty clever.
    5. BallisticBIZCUT

      BallisticBIZCUT Active Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I Didnt admit to anything brah . why would i need full iron to kill a sheep???? I came to ur shop to buy stuff and just had that on me cause i was killing mobs.Btw that sword doesnt have fire aspect.it has knockback and sharpness. Just cause i was standing there doesnt mean anything.And u could have had ur friends just say i did it.There were like 4 people there and vicernice will back me up.I DID NOT KILL YOUR FRIKIN SHEEP!
    6. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Wow. You are such a lier. You said Quote and Quote "I thought you had a spawner" AND "Oh my bad lol". These statements CLEARLY clarify that you were the killer. You are SUCH A BAD LIER. Its incredible. It makes me sad thinking mine verse has a douche like you that is lying just to play a game mode he doesn't deserve to be on. Your sword does have fire aspect because the sheep was lit on fire and died in flames. Everything about your lies makes me laugh because they are so utterly stupid. Just because you were staring there you didn't kill the sheep? You were clearly the only one with a sword and everyone else was there before you watching the sheep. But no. You came along and killed it. This is EXACTLY why we can't have nice things on sky block. Losers like you grief and prevent people from having animals openly. Everyone else standing there was enjoying it until you, with your op sword, came and killed it. And what you said earlier. Quote"Don't try to get me banned just because you don't like me". I don't know what you mean by this at all. How did I not LIKE YOU. Wtf do you mean by that. I never even heard or seen you on mineverse before the killing. Doesn't make sense. I don't report people "Just to get them banned". I report people for justice to be served to scum bags like you. Your lucky I didn't screenshot you clearer. But that photo is clear enough. Well let the mods see if you deserve to stay. I work very very hard on sky block. I don't have time to false report. Im not stupid. I could get banned for that. Nice attempt to accuse me of making a false report. And Your "Friend" Is actually someone on a different account. Ive know your "Friend" for ages and he even witnessed the killing and I'm PRETTY SURE he would tell the truth. He wouldn't lie to a mods face to what truly happened. You are obviously desperate to stay. This is what I say to people like you. You don't DESERVE to be here and go kill yourself. Anyways screenshots are 100% valid and your most likely getting banned wither you like it or not. Justice is an bi**h. Thanks for your
      Lies. They made me laugh. But anyways. You may have a few hours left so go have fun and say bye to people.

      Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 8.03.52 PM.png
      Here is your "Friend" on his other account. ROFL. You got owned. After I asked did you kill the sheep? He replies "yes". Your lies are so sickening. Get banned fool.
      Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
    7. BallisticBIZCUT

      BallisticBIZCUT Active Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      You should be banned for the insults and harrasment. I didnt kill the sheep.Screenshot of the question u asked him?
    8. BallisticBIZCUT

      BallisticBIZCUT Active Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      But ok.We will see
    9. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      You are caught RED-HANDED. Here is a convo with me and your "friend" on his main account. This is far from harassment. I see it just as you killing on of my animals. Lol. Im just pointing out some facts. Nice TRY putting the blame on me AGAIN. You are a fail at this whole thing. Stop lying and take your punishment stupid.
      Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 8.14.14 PM.png Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 8.13.44 PM.png
    10. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
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