We need a figure of how long you've been playing on mineverse. Not "A long time"! Because as far as we know, you could be lying.
When will you guys learn.:eh By that I mean New members that there 1st thread posted is a Mod app You need To be known Make your App colorful with size and color Supporters To be nice and get to be known by the Mod people and so they can see you can be a great Mod. Besides that, Good Luck (In the future;))
Yeah...they are right. We need details and facts. And making alot of Mod app,makes your chances a lot less
Are you kidding??? Hrary just hacked my 10 year old son, he and bonneyboy. They trampled all his crops and killed all his chickens and then tried to grief him. Absolutely do NOT allow hrary to be a moderator. Seriously.
Wow all I have seen is hate... SO I AGREE. I WAS in prison and I rented a plot from hray. I put down 2 enderchests and they went. So he took it down. This guy can not be trusted
Somethings I want to point out 1. Fix your grammar , and spelling. It's best to turn on spelling check. :p 2. Space out the questions soitsnothardtoread 3. Add more details on why you should be a mod 4. I have seen you in game a couple times. Eh.. I don't see "I always follow the rules" part true 5. Tell us about yourself, as well as your personality Anyways I wish you the best of luck.