K I was in skygrid messing around with a friend. I said "wow your base is huge" in chat. Then all of a sudden a bunch of people starting trying to tp to me. And one of the people was Notch! It was his name exactly written, I was stunned. I didn't know what to do so I went to /spawn. I saw Bloodymess(titan) walking around. But there was notch like in him kinda. It was 2 people (Notch and Bloody mess) but they were like following each other! But in exact patterns. I have proof but I'm on my phone right now but tell me how that happened?!?
He was doing /dis A Titan has the ability to disguise as players which means also carrying their name tag. If a dis player tpa requests to another player.That other player will see the requester's name as the player he /dis into but in bright red color For example.That Titan did /dis player Notch.Which is a valid player so that it shows Notch's skin and cape.When he tpa to you it will say Notch instead of the real titan's name but bright red in color. The color can also make players believe that the tpa requester is a mod. DO NOT ACCEPT FAKE TPA!They take you to your downfall.Except for me