1. mind_trap 2. milanwesthoff 3. Island trespassing, Disrespect The user glitched through the walls of my shop despite my plea for privacy, he flew all the way (130+ blocks) up to my island and he attacked a horse. People are not allowed to be on my island and those who come without my permission disrespect me. I have animals and villagers to protect against sad creatures. If I wanted people on my island I wouldn't had built my store 130 blocks away from it. My store is a public place on a private property, my island. People are allowed to be in my shop, they are not allowed to be on my island out of the shop. Bridging is banable because one player is not allowed to be one someone's else island without his/her permission. The method someone uses to invade an island doesn't matter, bridge or flying both achieve the same result, island trespassing. Please ban this disrespectful user, I have better things to do other than chasing these people around. Every time someone like him invades on my island, I have to drop everything I do and follow him/her around in /v hoping to get a screenshot of something banable. This isn't the way to play the game, I don't want to spend my time chasing them around.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.