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  • Trouble With my Older Brother

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by New Atlus, Aug 18, 2014.

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    1. New Atlus

      New Atlus Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      As you can tell by the title, I'm having trouble with my brother.
      My brother is 16. He always acts like he's hot s***. He gets all the attention he wants with girls. He does cross-country running every morning and constantly brags about the calves he has. He owns the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One. He plays Battlefield 4 on the One alot, for a long time. When he's not playing on the Xbox, he's watching Netflix or on his phone.
      Now, he thinks I'm a wimp. To be honest, I kinda am. I always dream of the day I stand up to him, but I never do. I know I can't. I can say alot of things. He thinks that I'm as immature as an 8-year old and I don't know anything about the world. He really knows how to fight and always challenges me for something when he wants it. Even when I bought something with my own money (60 bucks) he wants to fight me for who gets it. Sometimes, he even picks up a yoga ball and violently beats me down with it and calls it 'training' for when I get bullied.
      Now, being a teenager, I like playing games on my computer, like Minecraft. I'm an active member for the server, and I'm always on it. My brother acts like I'm a nerd for it. When playing parkour, he watches me take screenshots of hackers and he calls me a 'snitch'. In fact, everything I do that he thinks is immature and stupid, he constantly makes fun of me for it.
      I have tried staying in my room, but he just comes in, sits in my chair, and stays there on his phone. He opens my laptop and changes settings like Zoom + 200%, and turn all the colors negative. About 20 minutes ago, he even hacked my Microsoft account and changed my password so I can't make changes. Then, he gets my phone, goes to pictures and rapid-fires photos of himself in this ugly face and locks it so I have to delete them all.
      He likes to complain about who I am as well as what I can and can't do. He knows how to cook, so he makes food for himself. I could prepare microwavable food, but due to an incident last year, I'm banned from using the microwave. My mom literally pays my brother to cook food for me, and he doesn't even do it. He's always saying I need to learn to cook. Then he constantly bothers me about the courses I'll take in highschool. What language will I do, what sport will I do, it never ends.
      He lets me play on his Xbox 360, but only when he's gone. He leaves for a run every morning at 5am for an hour so I have to wake up very early and play Skyrim. When he gets back, he gets pissed that I'm still playing since he just entered the house. He's constantly banning me from playing on the Xbox and I just want to get Skyrim for PC so I won't have to deal with his bullsh*t. I asked my parents, but they said if I already have it for Xbox, why get it for PC? Then, my brother shows me this website called 'Can I run it .com' to find out if I can run Skyrim on my PC. When it says no, he gives me this ugly face and says in a d*ck tone, "So, looks like you're still banned. Sucks to be you".
      So... I need your help on what I should do. I don't know what to do on how to deal with him. You guys are like the family that I never had. Please help, and thank you for reading this.
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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    3. salamander

      salamander Boss Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Tell your parents about what he does. If he hits you with something, then that's serious, if he calls you a snitch, so be it, ignore him, I know it's easier said than done, but try.
      I can't really say much about this seeing my experience is limited, but try.

      Hope it gets better
    4. Reapzzz

      Reapzzz Active Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      I video my brother as proof when he does this.
    5. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Older siblings are always trying to mess around. I got used to it after a while, but if he's physically hurting you, I would talk to an adult. Or you could even talk it out with him. Ask him why he treats you like this. Or tell him how it makes you feel.
    6. New Atlus

      New Atlus Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      Thank you. I do tell my parents about what he does, and they make him stop. But sooner or later, he's at it again.
    7. New Atlus

      New Atlus Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      The physical treatment isn't all that bad. He doesn't always hurt me. Only when he challenges me for something or uses the yoga ball. Thank you.
    8. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Sounds like a normal older brother.

      You say he messes with your laptop and likes to change it. Maybe do something back? Maybe While he's jogging steal his game files from his console with a thumb drive then delete them from the console. The files would be on the thumb drive so you have leverage. Then you have leverage against him from messing with you.
    9. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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    10. New Atlus

      New Atlus Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      Smart. Thanks, I'll try that.
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