@CypriotMerks why is this gal not mod yet haha? Btw, you are nice in-game and in forums. You always greet everyone and welcomes new MV players. 100% Support. :D
Thanks for saying I should get mod but atm I just need to be patient and if I dont get mod respect cyp's decision
Why are you not mod yet? You are one of the friendliest, kindest and most amazing people I have ever met. You can brighten up someone's day and cheer them up with kind words. I always see you helping people on Mineverse and welcoming them. You would be a perfect fit for mod, I know that. If anyone deserves moderator, it's definitely you. <3
I know I shouldnt bump this but I edited my application and also saying I REALLY appreciate the feedback you have given me it makes my smile everyday and keeps me happy. Keep it coming
Support fryzigg c: I haven't seen you in-game yet .___. But you seem very dedicated to the server, and I think you would be a great mod.