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  • [AUS] sader990's Staff Application.

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Sader, Aug 8, 2014.

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    1. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      How old are you?
      14 Years old

      Your in-game name:

      What timezone are you in?
      GMT+10 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)

      What country do you live in?

      What languages do you speak?
      Spanish and English

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      Because I would provide constant moderating to the servers about 3 hours a day on weekdays.
      I stop spammers, advertisers, and glitchers. I could say that I would be able to stop the majority of abusers online. I would provide a safe environment, I would make sure kids, teens, and adults are safe,
      on the server, website and anywhere else. I report players who do the wrong things.
      I respect at all times. I never start flame wars or go intro a flame war, especially when I am a staff member on a server, because the player could easily report me. Also I am active on the server, I do not see much staff members but I am active. Another thing is I am really helpful. If someone asks for help, I give them help. I help the other staff members out if they need it. Here is my Minecraft story
      Three years ago, my friend told me about this game called Minecraft. At first I thought it was the worst game I have ever played, One month later my friend told me how to craft and build. I started liking the game more, I was gaining skill. Soon I was really good at survival and I played for hours. Then I found diamonds! I was so happy I played that world for even hours! When 1.8 came out I even played Minecraft more, because 1.8 was the most awesome update. They added xp, enchantment tables, and I think they added the Ender Dragon. It was great!

      Later my Minecraft experience I started playing servers. I was into a lot of servers the first server I joint was Isco Craft. I do not think much people know it. I had a lot of fun on it. My favorite things to do was to play survival. I loved it so much! Later on I started playing a lot of servers. I think I started playing McBrawl like one and a half years a go, I played Mc.War.com to much! I was not to good at it but it was really fun! McParty is my all time favorite though! There are so many fun mini games to play on! Back then I loved Smoke monster, Wool mix up and Rainbow parkour jump. I started to apply for staff on many servers, some were good servers, some were bad servers. This was the time when I was wanting to be staff on servers. So I tried and I learned from my mistakes, that I put in my applications.

      When the newer updates came out, I was really in a good mode. I started playing a server called Minetime.com I played it so much same as McBrawl. Mineverse was a server with lots of things to do. For example. Skyblock, factions, Infection, Prison and much more. Up to now I still play those two of my favourite servers.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Server: On the server I am active, I do not see much Moderators, Am I helpful on the server: Yes! I am helpful on the server, If anyone is needing help on the server, I tell them what to do and how to do it. If someone is lost I help them track there way up. I am active on the server: Yes, On a day when I have school I play 2-4 hours, Why? Because I live 30 minutes away from school, and yes I do go in train to school.

      Forums: On forums I have low post. Why? Because I quit for a bit and now I have come back strong, but sorry for the low post I am now trying to post a lot. Am I helpful on forums: Yes I do report players on forums to help out, and do have fun along the way. On other forums I have amazing amounts of post. My goal on forums is to get a lot of post.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      The first time I joint Mineverse was 1 year ago.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes I was a Moderator on a old Minecraft server called Isco Craft probably no one knows it who reads this,because the server is to old to be remembered. It was probably as popular as SquadCraft. I became a staff member because I donated and you had to doante to become a Moderator, and I had an out standing application. Sadly the server got put down, because its low donations. The server usually had around 100-300 players at a time.

      I own a server called RoarCraft it is not popular but the server means a lot to me. I deal with a lot of players who break the rules I know what to do.

      I have been an Admin on a server called MacPvP the server is down no one knows why the server went down but it must of been for a good reason. I became staff because I was the first donator! I was the one who kind of made the server popular because I made more and more people donate, that made more and more people join. The server started getting 20 + players at a time. Thats when I made my staff application, The owner (BUKBUK3) Accepted me because he knew that I made the server popular and my application was really well written. At the end of the server life there was about 50+ people at a time.

      Proof that I own a server.
      Things that are Not on the Template:

      What will you provide to the community:
      I would provide, A lot of moderating a day, Make sure people are following the rules on TS3, Forums and the server. Also I would provide a safe community. I will make sure kids, teens and adults are safe and happy. I would stop hackers, abusers and glitchers.

      What is your experience and knowledge of Minecraft? -
      Three years ago, my friend told me about this game called Minecraft. At first I thought it was the worst game I have ever played, One month later my friend told me how to craft and build. I started liking the game more, I was gaining skill. Soon I was really good at survival and I played for hours. Then I found diamonds! I was so happy I played that world for even hours! When 1.8 came out I even played Minecraft more, because 1.8 was the most awesome update. They added xp, enchantment tables, and I think they added the Ender Dragon. It was great!
      Later my Minecraft experience I started playing servers. I was into a lot of servers the first server I joint was Isco Craft. I do not think much people know it. I had a lot of fun on it. My favorite things to do was to play survival. I loved it so much! Later on I started playing a lot of servers. I think I started playing McBrawl like one and a half years a go, I played Mc.War.com to much! I was not to good at it but it was really fun! McParty is my all time favorite though! There are so many fun mini games to play on! Back then I loved Smoke monster, Wool mix up and Rainbow parkour jump. I started to apply for staff on many servers, some were good servers, some were bad servers. This was the time when I was wanting to be staff on servers. So I tried and I learned from my mistakes, that I put in my applications.

      When the newer updates came out, I was really in a good mode. I started playing a server called Mineverse.com I played it so much same as McBrawl. was a server with lots of things to do. For example. Skyblock, factions, Infection, Prison and much more. Up to now I still play those two of my favorite servers.

      What do you consider your greatest strength? -
      I guess Friendliness because I make a lot of friends anywhere for eg, Public , School , Online ect ect. Kindness I do not use offense language or swear or say something that is mean I might of a couple of times but those were bad moments.
      What do you consider your greatest weakness? -
      Texture Pack! I Usually do not know which block is which with most of the texture packs unless they are simple ones with not to many things change.

      How would you handle someone making a minor transgression for the first time? -
      I would tell them that they are doing something wrong kindly and to tell them to stop doing the thing that they are doing.
      How would you handle the same person doing it again a second time? -
      I would kick them and tell them kindly to stop it to teach them a lesson.
      How would you handle that person doing it again for the third time? -
      I would report them and get a scream shot and tell a higher staff member and kick or mute if with words or ban if its bad.

      What is your reaction if someone publicly proves you wrong on the forums? -
      I would not over react, I would kindly say sorry or Thanks for noticing!

      What would you do when someone breaks a rule on the forums? -
      If it was a thread I would lock the thread and if it was a post I would warn the user.
      But if he did it again, I would get some scream shots and tell a higher staff member.

      Thanks for reading <3

      All the best, @Sader
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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    3. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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    4. BubblyBab3

      BubblyBab3 Experienced Member

      Aug 6, 2014
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      Wow nice!!! SUPPORT
    5. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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    6. BubblyBab3

      BubblyBab3 Experienced Member

      Aug 6, 2014
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      No problem :)
    7. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      Great application, Support.
    8. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Edited the title for you, now more people will read this :)
    9. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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    10. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Although this application is great, I still haven't seen you online. I play during European and Australian timezones, and I haven't see you. I stand by my statement, no support, until I see you actions on Mineverse and if you are eligible. Good luck
    11. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Thanks for all the support I have been getting :)
    12. Post Malone

      Post Malone Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      wowowowow, Support! although kinda what jarroy said.. Goodluck! :what:
    13. G1ng3rBr3qdMqn

      G1ng3rBr3qdMqn Experienced Member

      May 13, 2014
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      VERY nice mod app 80 support! add more color and details!
    14. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Thank you for the SUPPORT <3
    15. Sound

      Sound Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Bad application gg no re ur ezy
      Nice application support.
    16. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Lol, Thanks!
    17. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      You deleted your post before this thanking someone. Don't be desperate for mod, and deleting and posting again isn't very mature either.
    18. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      You deserve it.
    19. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thanks, I do not think I should really get it though.
    20. Sader

      Sader Active Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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