Hello people! I just wanted to quickly address the fact that I can't access /warp dragon. In the hub, there used to be a place in /warp dragon in which anyone could chat freely. Now I am not even sure if that warp is there. Could someone please tell (if it was removed) why it was removed or if I just don't have the permissions to go there? I haven't bought any ranks on Mineverse. Thanks, -Akskl
Dragon was love, dragon was life. Goodbye old friend. You connected us to a new era of society in the lobby with your belly lounge.
We don't need there to be more than 1 thread @DjRyan you already made two threads after this one. I don't think this has to be discussed, the dragon was removed for a reason. Anyways when you chat up there people can't even talk back so it's not fair for them. If they not know how to get there.