When I was starting a game of truth or dare this person named Belle or Bella threw out a lot of good night my child books and I actcidently grab some and every time I would respawn I would die. The books almost filled my inventory so I can't even play creative
You will have to buy the clear inventory Item at http://shop.mineverse.com/category/105731 It will Instantly clear your inventory If this still doesent work Please contact a moderator
But be aware that moderators may not reply straight away or ever. Still waiting for help with the same issue.
Spoiler I never suggested they don't. I read another comment from someone saying they had waited 4 weeks and still no reply. Spoiler I never said they don't. I read a comment yesterday that someone hadn't had a response for help for 4 weeks and is still waiting. Just preparing the OP for the possibility of a lengthy wait
The clear inventory did NOT work for me AND my friends! The book is out of our hands but we still keep dying. Screw you book. NoobCrew NEEDS to remove this!!